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Nikki Poems - Poems about Nikki

Nikki Poems - Examples of all types of poems about nikki to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for nikki.

Premium Member Nikki Giovanni
I shall remember you when night crawls under day dressed up in sunshine and colorful hues I shall remember you in every single book I read catering to the fundamental findings craving thought like Langston...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, allah,
Form: Qawwali
Premium Member Nikki Giovanni black power Human Sacrifice
After numerous threats on our lives after a domestic violence with my abuser after I returned from Tampa murder trial I was finally healing several therapist home visits my children and I were ready for...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, allah,
Form: Kyrielle

Why you should not vote for Nikki Haley for the Republican candidate in 2024 Q and A part two
Q: Why should especially property owners and home owners hesitate to give free room and board to illegal aliens? A: This is legal in Washington State: If you...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Why you should not endorse Nikki Haley as the Republican presidential candidate Q and A part one
Q: Why you should not endorse Nikki Haley as the Republican presidential candidate in 2024? A: President Joe Biden denies that there is a crisis existing at our southern ...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose
To Nikki Giovanni
at fifteen seeing and listening to you in Roanoke, VA in that moment I knew that's what I wanted to do and your words elemental thought-provoking grounding, energizing, and at times, beautifully subtle and Ms. Giovanni, if I were a poet i'd be like you vocal, strong, and flying on...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, poetry, , western,
Form: Free verse

Nikki Dances Like the Wind
nikki dances like the wind her hair is blonde and long she wears the sexiest thongs her favorite color is red nikki dances in my head to touch her breast with my hand to ravish her like a hungry man nikki...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, passion, me,
Form: ABC
Her Name Was Nikki
a hundred thousand miles away i know you wont hear me when i say Just how much i love you, every single day I know its too good to be true but yet i stil lay on my...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, love, baby, me, heart,
Form: Verse
Only Nikki
As she packed her things the tears started to flow she couldn't believe the day had come and she wasn't ready to go She has always had the support only her family could bring But she knew she was to...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki,
Form: I do not know?
Nikki Loved, hated, different, alive… Sister of brothers and two whom are dead. Lover of my James, and saving those who have cried. One who feels loved, and shares it amongst others who deserve it. One who fears loosing the...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, peopleworld,
Form: Bio
Nikki Hilton
sick souled sucka chick a chick ride and i died some give me some,one time...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, art,
Form: Haiku
~lets Spread One About Nikki~
Hear the sound of the drama roming, My name starts to spread fast, For this lie will forever last, People looking at me with a glare i notice something must be in the air, As i walk...Read the rest...
Categories: nikki, imagination, life, me, me,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things