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Liv Poems - Poems about Liv

Liv Poems - Examples of all types of poems about liv to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for liv.

Premium Member A Reason To Liv
When a smile gives you a reason to liv How can affection not be the first thing you choose to give When a kiss gives you a long forgotten tingle Harkening back to the days when the world...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, appreciation, beautiful, beauty, cute
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Whitey An Liv
White donkey had much love and heartfelt affection to give His most special intergalactic friend was a cat named Liv. Without any problem, Whitey and Liv agreed on everything, Best of all, they discovered they both could sing. Whitey...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, animal,
Form: Rhyme

Reserata Carcerem Liv
A torn tale ere was sewn b' time's tool; ''f haggard hemisphere 'n' nocturnal nude, 'n which porous promiscuity 's oft draped - furred fabrics, scales embroidery. This tale 'n which cursed clothing was hexed; porous past oozing sassy spell. Makes...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, truth,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Love Letter From the Soul Liv
10, Hot wax drips, honeysuckle lips lavender scent, mind held waft slow dancing with a body so so soft sexy sweet in blood red stelletos picture perfect mirrored off the wall but it's more that seduces my mind than the way...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, love,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Unquotable Quotes - Liv: Swatting Flies In Buckingham Palace From the White House
UNQUOTABLE QUOTES - LIV : Swatting flies in Buckingham Palace from the White House When Bianca Nobilissima, the statuesque Sea Anne-Anne anchor in her Star-Trek heat-wave get-up exposing her sculptured architectural buoy spaces from head to...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, humor, irony, satire, uplifting,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member If Ever I Had a Country : Liv and Lv
IF ever I had a country : LIV - LV LIV IF ever I had even at an Event Horizon a country And if ever I were by self-arrogated Divine Right His or Her Imperial Majesty I'd clamp in...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, africa, humanity, people, power,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
she took in arms I begged for give she put in saddle I long for liv...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, love,
Form: Rhyme
Liv Tyler
oh lady goodness bring back gweniveer to me stay a horse,patches...Read the rest...
Categories: liv, art,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry