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Love Limerick Poems

These Love Limerick poems are examples of Limerick poems about Love. These are the best examples of Limerick Love poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Look At What I Found
This summer sure is real hot
Look I just found the jackpot
Lots of cool water
I could be an otter
This pool is a big blue pot...

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Categories: blue, children, fun, giggle,

Far goes when love affair with gun
Grazing Trump’s ear gunshot when goes,
It nicks nation’s much-fancied nose,
World’s keen to know-- sharp ears,
Should things change in near years,
Republican romance,
Passion with pro-gun stance
Should slow,...

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Categories: political, usa,

Premium Member A Weird Love Affair
Stay on your side of the brook, Tiger
Or else there will be a great snipper 
To end you running your mouth
So much wild noise from...

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Categories: funny,

All I Need Is Peace
Care for me please
Cover me with fleece
Be my solid pillar
And my heart's healer
For all I need is peace...

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Categories: care, love,

Premium Member The Donkey vs The Tiger
Hold on to your many stripes
Before you blow out your pipes
I can hear you loud and clear
Stop acting so cavalier
Cool off then ride on one...

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Categories: animal, giggle, humor, uplifting,

Premium Member AI In The Arts - What Glory Is This?
AI- now a new world for us;
create without worry or fuss.
   With just a mouse click
   you'll find a cheat trick...

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Categories: angst, art, betrayal, corruption,

Premium Member AI
I am the new robot,
do you want to guess what.
I will change your life,
better take it in strife.
Now I can't be caught....

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Categories: creation, fear, giggle, hello,

Premium Member Just Say You Love Money
Honesty void of a duplex gives rash,
Meekness without a Limo makes men harsh,
life should be less hard
love with credit card
My man should be god-fearing but...

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Categories: money, relationship, women,

Premium Member the adorable designer
The push-pull that provides rapport
Could faith in designers restore
More sense of our choice
Tempts us to rejoice
And make love not war with their door...

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Categories: environment, love, thanks, tribute,

Premium Member Heart Broken
The reminder, waking me from 
my reverie, the shattering of the
 cup of glass
This put paid to my revered sleep
 as a gloss
It was only...

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Categories: betrayal, change, love, love

I heard the special child uttered his wow
Midst yehey and yay gestures can allow 
Shouting love for Mom with zest
Who does give dead level best…

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Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, family,

Premium Member Cor!
I love every hair upon your head
Although you've hardly any left Fred
Oh, those silver strands
I stroked with my hands
Are appearing all over the bed.

I’m peeved...

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Categories: conflict, humorous,

Premium Member Love In The Trenches

Now this is my definition of love
It's much like wrestling in the mud
You get down and dirty
And say things quite flirty
Then it all comes together...

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Categories: love,

Premium Member The **** Star, the Shyster, and the President
Like a scorned ex-stripper hell has no fury
but how I would love to be on that jury.
  To call out the sex troll vamp

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Categories: corruption, political,

Special child triumphs midst physical zest
Expressing his love with warm gestures’ best
As his hugs and embrace
Reign over wheelchair race
Making him the winner in running test!


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Categories: appreciation, blessing, child, christian,

Book: Shattered Sighs