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Life Limerick Poems

These Life Limerick poems are examples of Limerick poems about Life. These are the best examples of Limerick Life poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Look At What I Found
This summer sure is real hot
Look I just found the jackpot
Lots of cool water
I could be an otter
This pool is a big blue pot...

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Categories: blue, children, fun, giggle,

Premium Member Upon A Pool
Blue pool had brave man quite transfixed
whose thoughts might seem muddled and mixed
dare he risk sweet life 
with deep pain and strife  
or ponder...

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Categories: angst, blue, dark, deep,

What price painless dignity in death
We let no animals suffer,
Yet, humans seldom are safer.
We let one die in stress,
For, passive’s no painless,
Euthanasia, passive,	
Crueler is than active,
Yet, eyes closed, justice would...

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Categories: death, judgement, pain,

Premium Member All The World's a Stage
People may frighten us by making shouts.
Often, they threaten us throwing big bouts.
Remain composed.
Don't get exposed.
Patience and silence are the best knockouts!

A deaf ass meets...

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Categories: world,

Premium Member The Donkey vs The Tiger
Hold on to your many stripes
Before you blow out your pipes
I can hear you loud and clear
Stop acting so cavalier
Cool off then ride on one...

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Categories: animal, giggle, humor, uplifting,

Sharpened Vision
The world was a blur, a hazy design, 
Like Monet through mud, a most curious sign. 
But then came a change, 
My vision rearranged, 

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Categories: visionary,

Humanity Obscura
. for public domain

Humanity Obscura

Masks preserve anonymity,
words reveal some humanity.
We study to lie,
to the ear and the eye,
to shade our own grim inanity.

We will to...

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Categories: humanity, philosophy,

Premium Member Win Some, Lose Some
Win Some, Lose Some
By: Miracle Man

In life will come days, both good and bad,
likewise will be some labeled happy or sad.
Take each in stride,
and therein...

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: life,

Premium Member AI
I am the new robot,
do you want to guess what.
I will change your life,
better take it in strife.
Now I can't be caught....

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Categories: creation, fear, giggle, hello,

Premium Member Just Say You Love Money
Honesty void of a duplex gives rash,
Meekness without a Limo makes men harsh,
life should be less hard
love with credit card
My man should be god-fearing but...

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Categories: money, relationship, women,

Horse, gun, dollars five, and White House
A few things laws may him deprive,
Still, to White House Trump may arrive.
And if serves felony,
May collect a bounty
Of horse and gun and Dollars five.

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Categories: america, humor, political,

Premium Member Scary to Larry
There once was a farmer named Larry
With a hundred cows at his dairy
Larry did his best
Hired help for the rest
Milking that many cows was scary

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: farm, funny, humor, life,

Premium Member Size Seventeen Shoes
As a prank he dressed up in drag
But his cover soon hit a snag
With size seventeen shoes
His tongue loosened with booze
The cat was soon out...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: confusion, funny, humor, image,

Premium Member Beginning Again
I decided to work smarter
Instead of just working harder
This may seem a bit trite
No need to get uptight
This poem is just my restarter

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: courage, creation, humor, life,

Imbalanced Stability
Mosquitos complain to God 'bout the wind
They can't stable when the wind comes unkind
On the judgment day
God calls all to stay
Both can't attend at once...

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Categories: creation, life,

Book: Shattered Sighs