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Funny Integrity Poems

These Funny Integrity poems are examples of Integrity poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Integrity Funny poems written by international poets.

Monster of myself
Following me wherever I go
My greatest fear and my biggest foe
Long dark nights you keep me awake
Even the beating of your heart 
And your breathing...

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Categories: child, depression, emo, integrity,

Premium Member A Place Not Meant To Be: 02
#2:  A Day Ends

Amidst the noisy sand castles crumble,
afeared shook ceases, a slamming silence,
tis a rippling pond cross o'er to humble,
tranquility transfers, hours for...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: integrity, appreciation, beautiful, confidence, encouraging,

Premium Member Play It Again
If it's not organic
it's not sexy
and probably not all that funny

If it's up and down bipolar movement
with your arms and legs,
it's Yang male energy,
and potentially...

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Categories: integrity, age, depression, health, humor,

Premium Member Taylor Swift She Is Not
Rants do not make great songs
Rosanne Barr I am sorry to say
not so great in a thong
when you sell no tickets
you have no show

Unless you...

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Categories: analogy, funny, integrity, mental

I can't believe your audacity
Well actually!
Your so consumed with rapcisty
The bling life has blinded you
You can't even see what's Infront of you

Who even are you?...

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© Sarah Cope  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: august, corruption, integrity, money,

Tears In the Crowds
Tears in the Crowds

A tyrant on a corrupt throne 
A sheep about to become a genetic clone
A weary traveller far away from home 
A heroin...

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Categories: integrity, international,

How many men can you trust
And over time it won’t rust:
In their presence drop money
And nothing of the funny?
Mention a killer disease
And they won’t the...

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Categories: allusion, confidence, integrity, wisdom,

Very Bad Girl
"Very Bad Girl" read the words
Boldly on the lady's sweater!
Nothing in her deportment or deeds
Took the story any further.

Only, I was left to wonder
Why she...

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© Abel Jae  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: integrity, character, clothes, cute, funny,

Premium Member Spiraling Resolutions
My RightBrain disconnected
oft neglected
cerebral gooey problem
is an up front noticing
then forgiving
part of LeftBrain rebalancing
then reconnecting
noncompetitive dual-

Over riding
striding nondualistic
co-passionate eco/theo/dia-logical
indigenously panentheistic
resonant experience

Detoxes statically 
three dimensional
dominantly predative

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Categories: beauty, health, humor, integrity,

Pride and Joy
Pride......and joy?

Pride is thinking that you know too much 
Thinking that the love you have is even half enough
It's clinging to honesty as if heard...

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Categories: integrity, anger, anxiety, best friend,

Premium Member Great Recycling Retransition
Icons are funny things,
she thought.

Heaven feels like a warm light circle
when we are thriving
and more like a cold dark triangle
of weaponed tipping points
against me
and mine

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Categories: health, identity, integrity, psychological,

Premium Member Acrostic - William Patrick Darnell Sr
Acrostic - William Patrick Darnell Sr

Willingly loving people as God would do;
Intelligent funny, wittily making you chuckle til blue
Listening with his heart so others can...

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Categories: integrity, blessing, cancer, character, confidence,

There For Me
Looking back, one thing comes clean-glass clear
you were always there for me subduing every fear.

I tried to do my duty, be a husband strong and...

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Categories: integrity, 12th grade, character, hope,

Premium Member Stumbling Towards Desire
I stumble pajamaed, half asleep toward the object of my desire.
in memory, it calls to me, of passionate pleasures experienced prior.
The morning's night is the...

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Categories: integrity, 11th grade, funny, horror,

Why I Keep a Low Profile I E Namely Remain Invisible
Why I keep a low profile i.e. namely remain invisible

Alternately titled -
dear readers ye each saddled as exegete
to make sense little known excerpt
referencing obscure passage...

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Categories: integrity, 12th grade, adventure, crazy,

Book: Shattered Sighs