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Impenetrable Poems - Poems about Impenetrable

Impenetrable Poems - Examples of all types of poems about impenetrable to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for impenetrable.

Impenetrable Wall
I know this is temporary But it doesn’t ease the pain, Faking who I am for now Pushing those feelings down again. The repercussions of doing this Already fills my head with doubt, Forcing myself to be present When I just want...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, anxiety, change, depression, feelings,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Beneath the blanket of dreams, impenetrable nights, you have reason to cry
Beneath the blanket of dreams, impenetrable nights, you have reason to cry, Our bastions of hope are now but ruins and deserted streets, The walls of the heart that seemed fortresses stand ready to fall, one by...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Impenetrable
"Impenetrable" The shell cracks the impenetrable opens The conduit responds the lighter being rises in the blood walking a strange ocean sound waves magnetised, message ignited turned on, taken the electric body like music hums Solfeggio a new vibration that which was...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, humanity, i am, mystery,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Impenetrable
“See you soon ok ?” softly, like I had a choice; Impenetrable; As if you could be severed, I could never say goodbye....Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, emotions, feelings, love,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Impenetrable
As dark clouds gather in the sky Down where the river narrows And Sprewell Bluff's craggy rocks rise Great blue heron has flown and the sparrow The river speedily flows on by Its color no more red But back to its...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, nature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member To Break Into the Impenetrable Heart of Irene
It would be so wonderful to break into the impenetrable heart of Irene who opposes my advance and feels serene; what is the reason for her resistance? Am I not what she expects in essence, or even a liar so...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, desire, devotion, emotions, feelings,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Impenetrable Fortresses
Impenetrable fortresses constructed from stones made of regret, reinforced with the concrete of mistakes we can't let go or forget. Confined within these walls only you and your guilt shall dwell. The cruelest prisons are the ones that...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, prison,
Form: Rhyme
Impenetrable Barrier
Impenetrable Barrier I shot a bazooka at it, but was not able to put a dent in your impenetrable barrier. Whatever is behind that barrier I see that you are prepared to defend it at all costs. But what if that...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, christian,
Form: Prose Poetry
My Impenetrable World
I love the sweet violins of my world That issue the clandestine tunes, To soothe my nerves and quench My desires spooky and strange; I love the forlorn sight of the sand dunes That adorn the arid...Read the rest...
Categories: impenetrable, love,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry