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Immobilize Poems - Poems about Immobilize

Immobilize Poems - Examples of all types of poems about immobilize to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for immobilize.
Premium Member Parcel Plastics
...Provision-purchases Prevail Paper-bags pull-apart Preferably Possible process... Endeavors Easily executed Ending these is Endless Endeavor... Seen dead They resurrect Restlessly Leisure......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, evil,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Driven Poetess
... There once lived an elderly poetess, who penned each bright day. Scarcity of comments, would never immobilize her honest ways! 1/27/2023 ......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, character, passion, poets, wisdom,
Form: Epigram

Target Killing
...Q.1.Did the Police attempt to stop the vehicle and did the occupants defy the orders?? Q.2.Why did the Police open fire and yet the occupants were not shooting at them?? Q.3.Why didn't the Police......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, africa, body, car, death,
Form: Other

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Death's Claim
...In the middle of the night, you came, oh, death, Wishing my soul to harvest Vehemently, I refused to surrender it to you Fact, that made you so angry. You said your divine right was to claim it......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, death, hope, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member More Than Race-F
...Despite the day-to-day signs of man’s bitter degradation, there were many in the South who somehow still failed to see the endless pain of segregation. From the viewpoint of those who never lived the......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, america, family, race,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Fear Can Immobilize You
...He was totally in love with her – her smile, her laugh, the way her nose crinkled But he was afraid to say something, so she married his Cousin, Jake Finkled. Who reaches for the stars? Who brave......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Across the Wide
...There are cities of sonnets to map Quests of pantoums and villanelles To harness, and ride Across the wide Tangled grassland of gratuity Unwritten, unruled Anarchy of expression Empty lines c......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, appreciation, poems, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member This Year I Wish
...Grief and fear long held me too frail to welcome any new year. An accident vanished me to despair where at best, I lived pail. Then love’s light availed me with strength to befriend my limits and ......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, brother, change, husband, meaningful,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member After a Death To Do List is a struggle after a death, waking up feels traitorous. the what if’s trot toward you at unexpected times, hard and fast. the want of a re-do can immobilize you, keeping you unclean for d......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
How To Treat a Woman
...She left you alone without saying any word This rumor is circulating, it's all in the world Did you love her right the way that she loved you? If I were you, I'd do what is necesarry unlike you B......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, love, woman, women,
Form: Rhyme
Baton Ruler
Categories: immobilize, community, conflict, confusion, depression,
Form: ABC
Life For Eternity
...Whenever someone is cruel toward us in either word or deed Remind us how You first loved us and did so unconditionally When sorrow threatens to immobilize, warn us it's just a test May we dance......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, inspirational, spiritual,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Love - Great Weapon
...Love is the great answer You have the choice You can wither or grow In gratefulness or in gloom You have at your great keeping A powerful weapon One that can melt the hearts That can change history ......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, faith, love,
Form: Free verse
...If you're trying to hurt me If you're trying to get back at me it's working If you're trying to cripple me If you're trying to immobilize me it's working I'm just trying to keep my head abov......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, healthtime, me, time,
Form: Free verse
Your On My Mind
...Your on My Mind From the moment I wake your all I think about From sun up to sun down Your on my mind I can’t concentrate for daydreaming about you You have me feeling like a teen in love But......Read the rest...
Categories: immobilize, dedication, devotion, husband, loveme,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry