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Identity Poems | Examples of Identity Poetry

Identity Poems - Examples of all types of identity poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for identity.
Premium Member Change
Change I used to be the mother who entertained. I used to be the mother who made spring rolls and stuffed clams and fancy entrees for...Read the rest...
Categories: age, change, family, identity,
Form: Free verse

A Tinnitus Ear
I hear a sound, drum in my ear. Of crystal droplets, from streaming tears. A distant murmur, or a hissing sound. A weeping mourner, a heavy pound. A sudden splash, or a humming ring, when metals clash, or glasses clink. But the sound of words, when they...Read the rest...
Categories: feelings, health, identity, joy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Place On Earth God Named--and You're Wrong
It can even be misconstrued as ... A.I. Mayhaps 'Creation', hm ... read it again. I know Adam was chosen to lead off in that direction and all those after him--and nobody said stop, not...Read the rest...
Categories: analogy, bible, identity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
27 years
27 years it took her to realize she wasn't alone; she had herself. But who was she? She felt more. So she left. Alone like an iceberg, she was drifting away to thaw from her past. But once...Read the rest...
Categories: identity, 4th grade, crazy, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Primordial Soup an Elemental Enigma
Everyone is a blended mixture of Elementals made up of Oxygen, carbon, Hydrogen, nitrogen, Calcium, phosphorus, and… Trace elements A divine recipe, perhaps? Some are yet to be born Some are young, Some are old. Some are people of color, Some are people who lack...Read the rest...
Categories: earth, humanity, identity, life,
Form: Free verse

21-7-2024 Pages
1.) Not present at anything Everything is just the same Not many think about the portrait-less frame I’ve had nothing Feet buried in my ways The man I’m becoming oughta be a phase I can’t think straight I’m...Read the rest...
Categories: abuse, addiction, age, identity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Behind The Masks
There are those who appear so self-assured Got a handle on life’s call Put together and in control Never to stumble or fall Self confident and capable Accomplished and so very sure Undaunted without demons That come knocking at their doors Humans wear...Read the rest...
Categories: confidence, emotions, identity, image,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cold Comfort
I drink myself dumb grief is a cold rock ice melts in a glass like stones neither my life nor your absinthe have been neat ...Read the rest...
Categories: identity, addiction, allusion, fear, forgiveness,
Form: Suzette Prime
Shadow vs Self
What makes me not enough? It seems I make others happy. Why is the exception myself? I champion my successes, I recognize my strengths, but inadequate I feel. When the walls whisper their song of the self, it’s not a ballad of awe. I...Read the rest...
Categories: anxiety, depression, identity, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Metamorphosis
at last the traffic comes to a halt... a quarter moon peeps between hilltops while a lingering ache stings my flesh in hours moist with mid-dusk 's need for quiet reverie: I unzip my clothes ready...Read the rest...
Categories: change, growth, identity,
Form: Verse
Premium Member A Fellow Much Younger than Me
In every mirror I see a fellow much younger than me But when they take my photo ...Read the rest...
Categories: change, identity, me,
Form: Couplet
I've always been described as mature, yet not many know I grew up too fast, for trauma broke an innocent girl, her innocence, her happiness....Read the rest...
Categories: identity, absence, abuse, child, child
Form: Free verse
I had a dream last night. I drempt that the images you desired, thought about, lust for, was what I could never be. The infatuation in the lack of love, and the thought of you pleasing...Read the rest...
Categories: addiction, boyfriend, identity, missing
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Why I Write
I write to help myself see the light to examine the world and myself ~ With all my might,...Read the rest...
Categories: identity, integrity, light, write,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Honouring your God
Surely there’s a better way of doing it than this? Surely there’s a better way of stealing that first kiss? Surely there’s a better way of holding on to your dreams? Surely there’s a better way than hearing...Read the rest...
Categories: identity, betrayal, conflict, corruption, death,
Form: Free verse

Specific Types of Identity Poems

Definition | What is Identity in Poetry?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things