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Hormones Poems - Poems about Hormones

Hormones Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hormones to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hormones.

Hormones I like to add 200g of the ingredient uncritical secreting hormones to all tin soups. I might think about adding stress response too. ...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, humor,
Form: Free verse
Teenagers, oh how they grow, With hormones raging, they are a show! Their taste in music and style that's new, With beats so fresh and fashion so true. They start to date and fall in love Their hearts entwined like...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, age, feelings, for teens,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Growing Up In the Sixties
As a young teen I sadly confess, I dreamt of becoming an actress. A class assignment drew me to Warner's in D.C., where I brushed up against black history.. I stumbled into a meeting of the NAACP. The...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, high school, history,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Biologists Smell of Nature
Biologists smell of True Nature For choosing to Existence nurture: Of the unicellular plants proud; Things one can't see in a voice loud; No deserved shaming of The Vulgar: Bats, Climbers, Creepers, Germs and Algae, Knowledge not quite unlike a hard...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, freedom, imagination, people, words,
Form: Rhyme
Longing by Michael R. Burch We stare out at the cold gray sea, overcome with such sudden and intense longing . . . our eyes meet, inviolate, and we are not of this earth, this strange, inert mass. Before we crept out of...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, desire, life, longing, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Hormones' First Howl
I sensed this feeling grasp me, undefined The instant that her lips had shaped a smile ...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, appreciation, feelings, passion, sexy,
Form: Rhyme
The Heart and the Hormones
I'll try to convey what I'm trying to say. Bout the difference between heart and horny. It is something that I in the past didn't buy. Cause I thought that it just sounded corny. But now I've had time...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Bubbly With Hormones
On a Sunday night between times hormones make me bubbly... let's play the guessing game; guess who's guess why's guess what you and I are going to do Monday ? She holds up her hand laughing one guess at a time please Beth. Elizabeth...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, crush, destiny, for her,
Form: Blank verse
Hormones of Love
caned by suffocating stiff of blood our brothers go to cages leaves fall on my skin ardent love indomitable spirit hormones of love dissipate extinguish like a comet...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, allusion,
Form: I do not know?
Powder, Perfume, Hormones
Neck a smooth, cylindrical mold As sheathe with fibers carefully rolled Pale, satin sheen artfully scrolled Grace on soft, silky strands doled In light, silted hologram to behold Calamus breathes through each fold Herbal essence from tight pores cajoled Swabbed cheeks cloud...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, beauty, body,
Form: Rhyme
Hormones Versus Change
Hey kid...? Verbal lashing of a threat to a parent ...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, angst, imagination, teen, old,
Form: Free verse
My body is awash with serotonin, Endorphin and adrenaline, I pounded the pavement with such fury, With earphones, with such fury, On ears, Metallica pounded mine I followed the track with such determination, While frustrations, with such determination, Followed me I felt the...Read the rest...
Categories: hormones, uplifting
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry