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Hood Poems - Poems about Hood

Hood Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hood to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hood.
Riding Hood Truth or Dare
Why Little Red Riding Hood Seems you're steppin' out Dodgin' bullets and pullin' clout And what happened to the Grandma stop Did she want you out? The whole forest heard her shout So come on, what was that all about? Ohh my...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, adventure, beauty, fantasy, grandmother,
Form: Rhyme
In the quiet whispers of the night, My heart battles its endless fight, With every step I bravely take, Two steps back, my soul does break. Alone in my room, I shed my tears, Each drop a testament to my...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, addiction, depression, growth, heartbroken,
Form: Rhyme

Paradise hood
What a ravishing garden! Tiny insects, flying birds, There are reptiles too. Life's best time going on. Eucalyptus, teaks, neems, Bamboos, cactus, roses. Eyes gets coolness after— Seeing all the greeneries. Life is going like snail here, Slowly slowly and calmly. Life is going like...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Have Robin and the Sheriff Patched Things up?
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen! Robin Hood , Robin Hood and his merry men give to the rich what they' taken from the poor. The world in which I'm living ain't the one I knew before....Read the rest...
Categories: hood, england, history, political, social,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Shot Glass Of A Hood Rat Espinela
I’m a fan of that background sound, the world’s underlying rhythm; Life’s glass has a melodic rim amplified with every shot downed; To the sharps in the air I’m bound, it’s who I am I’m cool with that; The wallflower among...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, crazy, emotions, feelings, introspection,
Form: Other

Mounts Mighty and Mira
''Mighty: 'Mira, have you seen the dam's reservoir level rise?'' Its water spills over, a dangerous disguise Mira: ''Yes, I have, my friend. It is a terrible sight The flood brings a destructive might". Mighty: ''The Engineers, they say...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, dream, nature,
Form: Free verse
My farthest seemed beclouded by my innocent yesterday, Then small and helpless with mi, puh and buh I knew to say, Mama's breasts were ever glued to my mouth and hands to play, When my cry stopped, a...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, anniversary, appreciation, emotions, encouraging,
Form: Rhyme
Child hood memories
Care free days of youth, so pure and bright Laughter echoes, a joyful sight Chasing each other, playing hide and seek with friends and cousins, playing outside when the sun rise until it set There was no worries...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, 12th grade, africa, best
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rap: Rules of the Street
Internally unconventional, externally conform, In the game of life, it's the norm. Always watch yourself, like you're on a stage, Avoid regrets, don't let your actions rage. Bullies on the block, they don't care if you're nice, Speak soft, carry...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, america, anti bullying, feelings,
Form: Lyric
Little Red Riding Hood
She sewed all day and she sewed all night then gave her daughter a red cape, some bread and a brave warning, "Grandma needs you so remember, don't dilly dally in the forest Ruby....Read the rest...
Categories: hood, funny, smart,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member SNOTINGHAM
From the unravelled and now exposed mystery Tales of leafy Nottinghamshire And the dusty tatty books of it's long history Comes a tale You'd think it was just a jest However, it is a fact and true With...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, england, funny, giggle, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tranmutation
Written 12 December 2023 Transmutation Poetry Contest Sponsored by Unseeking Seeker ...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, humanity, life, men, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Little Red Riding Hood Pieced It Together Too Slowly
no shadows are cast by seeping light, dangerous innocuity...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, corruption,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Emagi Hood Song of a Shirt
Thomas Hood 'SONG OF A SHIRT' ...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, clothes, poetry, song,
Form: Shape
Premium Member The Other Red Riding Hood
Many know of only one Red Riding Hood She has a similar story, in many books Her endings are similar The wolf is either destroyed or banished. The Red Riding Hood I know has changed the ending She is a...Read the rest...
Categories: hood, books,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry