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Hines Poems - Poems about Hines

Hines Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hines to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hines.
Premium Member RFK JR, A RE-POST
... With sadness, that never ceased, I watched your Father shot on live television. I was living in Chicago and Elena, a baby in my arms asleep. Your Father, Robert had just won California ......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, america, feelings, history, how
Form: Free verse

Zenith University
... Zenith University I am a proud graduate  of Zenith University,  where the quality stays on  until the little dot  shrinks and goes away.  I attended that fine institution  with ......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, appreciation, celebrity, education, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Presidency and RFK JR
... With sadness, that never ceased, I watched your Father shot on live television. I was living in Chicago and Elena, a baby in my arms asleep. Your Father, Robert had just won California ......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, america, political,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Christmas Is the Happiest Season of the Year
...C elebrating H oly R edeemer I nlaying S piritual T oddler M anger A rt S hines! I ncredibly S pecial T hanksgiving H earty E ffervescence! H andful A ctivit......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, celebration,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Happiness
...Happiness can belong to Anyone, but Particularly to those who pursue it. People who seek happiness In life know No other pursuit brings such joy, E......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, happiness,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Should the Levee Ever Break, Act 1, Scene 1, Part 6
...The curtain rises on Bumblebee Babineaux walking self-confidently along Chartres Street. Bumblebee [singing]: Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride, nobody’s gonna slow me down. Oh, no, I got to kee......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, allegory,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Sunflowers
...Sealed by love’s fidelity to be forever sweethearts Upheld as one flesh midst caring bond to the utmost Never outgrowing honeymoon’s sweetness-nurture ......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, beauty, christian, encouraging, faith,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Remembering the Saturday Special dogs, baked beans Saturday special Leontyne Price sings Aida with stereo clarity Ma makes a box cake Duncan Hines yellow steamed up kitchen windows let anybody know life is happening her......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, memory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member What-
...WHAT WHAT If Tootsie Rolls™ could Rock N Roll And Duncan Hines ™could run and hide WHAT If Mr Clean™ could cook and clean How much Miss Butterworth™ be worth If she'ld leaked and poured all her......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, analogy, anxiety, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Splendor Shines
...T-he E-arly S-plendor S-hines I-n E-ffulgent E-arth B-ecause A-pparent L-ight O-bliterates B-leak O-bscurity Topic: Birthday of Tessie Ebalobo (December 21) Form: Vertical Monocros......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Sammy Davis Jr, Pure Talent
...Sang like a whippoorwill, up high on a hill Played trumpet like Satchmo, with panache and skill To watch that man tap-dance, gave even Gregory Hines a thrill As Ella Fitzgerald told us, 'Sam......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, dance, music, song, tribute,
Form: Monorhyme
Shrouded Morn
...P-ale and feeble sun S-hines through the fog, mist, and haze, P-laces are obscure. Form: Haikustic......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, birthday,
Form: Haiku
As Night Chill Has Evaded Zephyr
...L-ight U-nder Z-enith S-hines A-s N-ight C-hill H-as E-vaded Z-ephyr Topic: Birthday of Luz B. Sanchez (December 13) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Once Sun Shines Above
...R-adiant E-arly M-orn E-agerly L-ets Y-our N-ew D-awn E-ndorse L-ight O-nce S-un S-hines A-bove N-egating T-wilight's O-bscure S-hadow Topic: Birthday of Remelyn Delos Santos ......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Picturesque Radiance
...P-icturesque R-adiance I-n N-atural C-oolness E-rases S-hadow S-o E-arly L-ight S-hines A-new Topic: Birthday of Princess Elsa (December 03) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hines, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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