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Hijack Poems - Poems about Hijack

Hijack Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hijack to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hijack.

Hack Hijack
Dual mode access allows a hacker to get into your account or chat as a second or third person and you don't even know who is replying from the other side.You think you are talking to your...Read the rest...
Categories: hijack, computer, internet, pashto, science,
Form: Tazkira
Premium Member Hijack
Sketches of kind ode Stanzas in fine code Murmur in deep mode Verse motifs frame plot Lines of fancy slot Rhythm spins bold lot Rhymes and phrases sleek Mystic moment meek Plunder pensive peek Plain as sonic spree Voice echoes set free Blooms bright and easy Brisk...Read the rest...
Categories: hijack, change,
Form: Rhyme

23 Line Haiku Hijack
23 Line Haiku Hijack I stole a haiku from the Japanese Stuffed it in a duffle bag, added 23 lines to make it fat Fed it chocolate day and night before we started Threw the 5-7-5 lines overboard in...Read the rest...
Categories: hijack, abuse, adventure, identity, international,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

20 Lines Haiku Hijack
20 Line Haiku Hijack I stole a haiku from Japan Stuffed it in a duffle bag, added 20 lines Fed it chocolate day and night before the flight Then placed it on the market when I landed Shrimp and whale...Read the rest...
Categories: hijack, abuse, adventure, change, chocolate,
Form: Quatrain
Hijack Strategy employed in a hijack You cannot tell or crack Each time, new clever tricks That are a plus to statistics! Criminals, they say, are ahead Is it not alertness that is dead? Mistrust even your shadow And avert this baleful blow!! JM 03rd...Read the rest...
Categories: hijack,
Form: Couplet

Horrendous Hobyah Hordes Hijack Hamptonshire
The Scots, by God, They drove them out, With a single Yorkie At their heels a' yappin' The Hobyahs tried to fly Their arms they were a flappin' Some managed to take to sea And landed in Hamptonshire, Yes-serieee!!! But the British Navy would...Read the rest...
Categories: hijack, adventure, imagination, parody, people,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Reflection on the Important Things