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Hid Poems - Poems about Hid

Hid Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hid to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hid.
It’s an interesting thing that little children do, Catching fireflies in a jar not thinking it through. They cover the jar and tighten the jar lid, Placing it in the bookcase from mother it’s hid. Tucked in their beds...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, childhood, flying, insect, light,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Arrogant Peacock and Hid Peahen
He was the top of the mark. Puffed up and proud. Nothing was as beautiful. He strutted so loud. We peahens were askance At his arrogant dance. He made us all sick As he made his pick. The peahen that was chosen Was the...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Hid From the Inebriated Pig and Clown
I saw the pig and the clown coming my way with their drink. They were well into their cups. I had this quick ugly think. I jumped into a bush and tried to become invisible to them. They...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

We Hid In Sad Pun Easy Ruin
they're having a happy chat they would not dream to own some scarecrow with a stone beneath its frightening hat scheming fancy and laughter cheering and chanting aloud they'd not venture to alter one frail reassurance found their stories all have flair if thoughts...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Was Amid and Should Have Hid Horn Haiku
Was Amid and Should Have Hid was always amid when we know he should have hid so of should get rid Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member The Candy Was Hid
Mister Johns was pretty fat for his height He snarfed every piece of choc'late in sight His wife the candy was hid You know what Mr. Johns did? He went out trick-or-treating like...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, chocolate, silly,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member I Keep It Hid
Oh maybe someday you will understand, why I talk of leaving this fast land. I’m going somewhere for strange people, I know it will have that church steeple. My memories of this place shall stay, deep in my mind til...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, absence, allusion, leaving, solitude,
Form: Rhyme
Hid 'Em Up
Dancing to Sisqo like a dad at a disco that ain’t the diss though you’re a straight up pissed ho handbag on the dance floor where your sandbag **** fall straps see you trip fool your ugly face hit sore wake...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, appreciation, freedom, rap, rude,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Hid In the House Frightened
Yesterday delightful. Sixty degrees. Could have warmed us up. I hid in the house, frightened by the love of it. Today I am sitting in my yard, wearing zebra pajamas. A zip up suit with a pink fringed hood...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member She Hid Under My Desk
She hid under my desk. Waiting for me. To discover her. Thinking it was going to be hilarious. It was not. When the principal took a seat in my chair, Attempting in vain to wipe smiles Off two culprits faces...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, child abuse, funny,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member We Hid In the Cottonwood Tree
We hid in the cottonwood tree’s magic treehouse. Spying on our neighbors. Laughter rang out occasionally from the windows of some of their houses. We clutched our stomachs and laughed. Mr. Pete gave his wife a big hug at...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A White Rabbit Hid Eggs
A White rabbit came into my yard He carried many baskets in his arms All loaded with many Easter eggs At first he stood like a statue Then sprang to hide his eggs When he was done-like a flash He hip-hopped...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, children, chocolate, fun, happy,
Form: Free verse
Safely Hid
Safely Hid Image of her was quite vivid Until she had become livid To her not paying any attention No kind words did I mention And away myself I safely hid. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, humorous,
Form: Limerick
The Boy Who Hid In the Pillows
He was about 4 feet tall, and boy did he love shopping and playing games at the mall. His plans for the future were oh so bright, and he thought all his dreams come true...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, angst, child, conflict, kid,
Form: Narrative
When You Hid From Me Your Beauty
When You Hid From Me Your Beauty To: The Moon I tried to look at your magnificent beauty, As you slowly moved behind the earth, Trying to evade my precious light, Did you have to try to let the...Read the rest...
Categories: hid, love, miss you, moon,
Form: Free verse

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