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Happenings Poems - Poems about Happenings

Happenings Poems - Examples of all types of poems about happenings to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for happenings.
Strange happenings
Since my partner passed away, Life has not been good, Maybe it's my state of mind, To be misunderstood. But many situations would be simply understood, It's when you know it's where abouts, What's the likelihood. So many...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, bereavement, cancer, death,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member HAPPENINGS
medium of necessities in the compass of instinct by the contemplative reminescence of coincidence a stimulating force of a...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, art, inspiration, poetry,
Form: Verse

Premium Member HAPPENINGS -
HAPPENINGS Sometimes happens whereas wherewithall; As is somethings matter; HAPPENINGS Matters naught; Sorrow distance falling up in tall; HAPPENINGS 12/18/23 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2023...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, analogy, appreciation, character,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Snow Happenings
This year first snowfall of the season starts to cover the ground Gently being released from the sky above barely making a sound The morning commute sure to be a motorist plight Having to dodge vehicles spinning out...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, weather, winter,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Happenings a Freed Verse
HAPPENINGS a time of  turbulencee great moments sparkle  reflect &display highlighted in the idealised images of depicted  realities  underpinning a layer  of history in the  spectacular &apocalyptic  emerging as the thrilling  allowed art  to explore in more spontaneous ways  to capture the volatility of a fleeting  moment  by inspiring & responding to  the immediate sensation...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Dear Past,
I thank you for revealing life’s art, For letting me taste its every part, In pains, joys, words unkind or sweet, You shaped me whole, made me complete. Stronger now, forged by your embrace, Wounds and scars adorn with grace, Etched...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, betrayal, destiny, goodbye, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The White House Happenings
If really getting high, is just your thing….. Just get some white powder at the West Wing. I mean, after all,why the heck not? ...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, america, corruption, humor, political,
Form: Couplet
The Happenings
I study the backyard song birds watch them come and go. The birds are a happenstance, they flicker in and out, die and return but they themselves stay the same. I sip my tea silently My father used to slurp tea...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Resurrection Happenings
Forty days of joy the Resurrected Jesus this body He did deploy to walk to greet ...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, christian, easter,
Form: Rhyme
Bravado Staring Blank
One has no more fuel left in tank, One more dare not give army tank, With little air in tyres Bravado of West tires, Cracks seem to show in NATO rank. _______________________________________ Happenings |21.01.2023| limerick, humour Poet’s note: New Zealand’s...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, humor, war,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Hushed Happenings
yon moon yawns hushed secrets whispered by stars shhh...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, mystery, night, universe,
Form: Lanterne
Awesome Happenings
Awesome armies the kings very own We came here despite singing over burgles Dustmen under contract Lilies lay bleeding in black bags We are still whistling Chickens languishing in street Actresses older than thought give commandeering comedies Tis the talk of...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, anger, angst, animal, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Accept the Happenings and Play the Innings
We may lose, but go ahead With hope to win in future We may fear arrival of loss But, we have in God trust Our goal is to us clear But, we can't achieve it As many hurdles arrive To block...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, destiny, fate, god,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Whats Happenings
Perchance, happenstance, my sailor found me as I arrived (a package deal) but I stole his heart and wouldn’t share, though some so-and-so tried. She’s lucky she’s still alive. Thankfully my sailor couldn’t be bribed. He was revived, not...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, heart, humor, military,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Birds Shame the Hotel
As I sit in the bus, headed North, I chance to look to the West And I see two birds flying forth Above and beyond the very crest Of this the highest building in town, Making me wonder where they...Read the rest...
Categories: happenings, bird, flying, house, nature,
Form: Rhyme

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