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Hadassah Poems - Poems about Hadassah

Hadassah Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hadassah to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hadassah.

Premium Member Servant Candle
...She’s a flame in golden garb - Servant candle, Hadassah. Angelic feathers, on barb, For such a time as this ~ and God saw. What a wretched beast, Haman. Worked his way up to a sea......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, bible,
Form: Verse
Sanitize the Hands
...E-arnestly S-anitize T-he H-ands E-mploying R-ight H-ygiene A-nd D-isinfectant A-s S-afety S-tandard A-pplies H-ealth S-o E-veryone N-otably D-enies E-nemy Z-one's A-ttack ......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, birthday, poetess,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Esther
...Esther Oh! Esther My Jewish Queen Orphan daughter of Abihail Original name. . .Hadassah Esther Oh! Esther Also known as Myrtle My Jewish Queen Her cousin Mordecai Protected her Kept her in......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, adventure, appreciation, bible, gospel,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

He Never Loved Me
...He never loved me Well damn I just found out Took a shot to the heart Don't know where I should start I guess I musta been strung out Cuz I was straight up on his arm flashing that smile like ai......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, anger, betrayal, break up,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
More Than Just a Name
...Hadassah in disguise, God's love and compassion in her eyes, Hiding behind Esther as his bride, Aiding a nation to fall in love, While control was rising, and affecting them all, One simple act ......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, beautiful, courage, freedom, love,
Form: Light Verse

Queen Esther the Song
...(Esther 5: 2) (Chorus: Part 1) Walk In Majesty Walk In Grace Walk With GOD Shining On Your Face And You Can Walk Thru Any Place ... Embraced Prepare Your Steps To Bring G......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, bible, character, christian, courage,
Form: Free verse
Queen Esther
...(Esther 5: 2) The King Held Out To Esther The Golden Scepter That Was In His Hand She Was His Queen The Woman Who Fulfilled His Dreams One of The Most Beautiful In All His Lands But It Was Persi......Read the rest...
Categories: hadassah, beauty, bible, character, christian,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things