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Gymnastics Poems - Poems about Gymnastics

Gymnastics Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gymnastics to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gymnastics.

Gymnastics State Meet
Before I compete at State Meet, When I'm swinging on the bar, While I'm sprinting toward the vault, I imaging myself wearing gold. Even though I'm nervous, Even if I'm scared, Since I've worked so hard, I long not to just...Read the rest...
Categories: gymnastics, dedication, happiness,
Form: Free verse
Goliath intention Glitters within reach on Grecian hallowed ground; the Girl forged by sweat and chalk Greets the beam with pristine Gainer flip, ready to Grace the world with her feat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 04 / 12 / 2016 Form: Pleiades G...Read the rest...
Categories: gymnastics, appreciation, beauty, devotion, endurance,
Form: Verse

Usa Gymnastics Team
Simone Biles holds the World Championship, gymnastics has always been her t r u e dream- She GLOWS with beauty performing tough flips, adored by her grace on the balance beam. E l e g a n...Read the rest...
Categories: gymnastics, sports,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Gymnastics Gymnastics and poetry are holding hands, they're falling head over heels in love. John Derek Hamilton December 09, 2015...Read the rest...
Categories: gymnastics, humor, people, poetry, sports,
Form: Monoku
Gymnastics - One Liner
With elegance, strength, and grace, she lands her back flip in a four-inch space. 12/09/2015...Read the rest...
Categories: gymnastics, daughter, sports,
Form: Monorhyme

Premium Member Mental Gymnastics
Sans still life or landscape to distract my eye- will abstract contortions exercise or lie ?...Read the rest...
Categories: gymnastics, art
Form: Lanterne

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry