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Funny Grandchild Poems

These Funny Grandchild poems are examples of Grandchild poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Grandchild Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Dunking Cookies While It Rains
Sugars and butter -
cream them together.
White and brown mix ‘round.
Flour, salt, baking powder,
vanilla…fond scent…
add chips, scoop, wait - while they bake.

choc’late chip cookie
broke in half...

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Categories: food, fun, funny, grandchild,

Premium Member Grandma Winslet and Her Guest
It was going to be the best Christmas of the most spectacular, magnificent Christmases in the world.Certainly, the best one we had ever seen, for...

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Categories: grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother,

Premium Member Collata Is Six Beautiful and Funny
Collata is my daughter’s daughter
And she barely knows me.
They have lived too far away.
I am having a day with her finally.

She is six, beautiful, and...

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Categories: garden, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother,

There For Me
Looking back, one thing comes clean-glass clear
you were always there for me subduing every fear.

I tried to do my duty, be a husband strong and...

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Categories: grandchild, 12th grade, character, hope,

Premium Member Crazy
Mental Health
aka Crazy

The very topic is inclusive of the word, 
that haunts our every step from birth;
until our last breath. 

Fear has no power except...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: grandchild, child abuse, death, discrimination,

Premium Member Horse Laughs Are Common At My House
There are giggles and there are guffaws.
Horse laughs are common at my house.
With the mouth dropped open as wide as a tomb
And crazy laughter that...

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Categories: grandchild, happiness, light,

Premium Member Drawn On Paper
Drawn on Paper

The small house, mostly quiet.
No one up. 
No one to notice anything. 
Things just happened.

Lights sparkled…
from no where.
The soft sound,
of angel wings,

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: grandchild, childhood, children, christian, christmas,

Premium Member Butterfly, My Love
Butterfly, My Love

You have hair like golden silk. 
You laugh like clear water running over stones. 
Your eyes, they are the color of the sky,...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: celebration, crazy, daughter, grandchild,

Premium Member Grandpa

Father of the age, know'er of everything, 
I need to know before the age of six… 
Including all about God. (and teaching me to pray)


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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: grandchild, christian, cinderella, father, goodbye,

Premium Member Grandma

My hands hesitate here… hovering over the keyboard…
Numb, hard to make do as I ask…
This should be happy, 
but I am…

I miss her. 

She smoked...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: beautiful, celebration, funeral, grandchild,

Premium Member Bird Seed
Bird Seed

The power of a small kindness,
can never be overstated....

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: grandchild, color, gospel, graduate, graduation,

Premium Member She Was Born With Cat Ears
She was born with cat ears.
So cute! Everyone lied.
Some of us felt them.
They were striped, and furry.
Odd for a human head.
Gray, pink in the middle.

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Categories: baby, grandchild, grandmother, grandparents,

Premium Member Grandma's Objective Observations
I am not saying this just because
he is my grandson but
He is the most athletic person
in the family
and he is

I am not saying this just...

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Categories: grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother,

Premium Member Sixty Eight Weeks
Conversation with my four-year-old grandson Max.
“I cannot throw the ball one more time, Max. I am old.”
He glares at me. “No, you’re not.”
“I am. I...

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Categories: grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents,

Premium Member Grammers Kinney
My four-year-old grandson is all about singing 
While he swings today
Singing funny songs at first, but now a serious one
About a grandma and how much...

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Categories: grandchild, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things