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You searched Exact Keyword(s): history in category: for her and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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My life
My heart
My honour 
My light
My cares
My mind
My thoughts
My lies
My truth
My pride
My dreams
My reasons
My history
My fears
My fight
My darkness
My feelings
My home
My hopes
My soul
My future
My money
My time


I box, I seal, I wrap, I tie.

I give to you my wife.

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Closed Doors

A light from the sky, no one knows the source.
Shines the invisible path of your life but can you stay the course?

There is bad and there is good but that choice is yours.
A clean life costs so much in a world of broken laws.

History tells of the lives of people who’s dreams were broken and taken by force.
History tells of the lives of these people who found ways to open all those bolted, locked and closed doors.
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A Rare But Welcomed Entry

i am thankful that i allowed you into my makeshift mystery
you are like the rare type of time traveler that successfully changes my history

whenever you are here, rainbows laugh and play
whenever you are near, all sadness and depression goes away

you light up the vibe of my world like the brightness of the sun at noon
you give my new steps a rhythm that makes me feel totally in tune

i pray everyday for a forever that will take us many new spaces
with you, the settings of my life's artwork consists of many different faces
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Safe from the storm
I reel in your love
gray clouds part
peeks of sunshine
rule my daytime solace.
We share a history of plenty,
Bonafide benevolence befits
our complete contemplation.
We return to a once stated
togetherness that gives us a reprieve
unbeknownst to other lives lived.
We settle into a compromised groove
of two, yet bestows a totality of one.
Between us lingers our past endeavors
the future retrieves our past and sets
our present persistence to an 
eternal glimmer glowing giving of 
everlasting erotic mega memories. 
We share each other as one in the same.
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What Is Love

Love is a mystery
Yet it can be so sweet
Love is your history
& the feeling of complete
Love can be euphoric
As well as foreign
Love should be exciting
Not telling stories of boring
Love is that hope
When you need Faith
Love is clean like soap
And forgives others like Grace
Love is a passion
That burns deep inside
Love sometimes passes
Although it keeps to remind
Love is not fascist
It breathes breath needed to revive
Love is a facet
Giving Life to those that died
Love is Empathic
Reliving to coincide
Love is a passage
To open the gates of Life
Love is so Lavish
And love is going to Survive

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These Reminisces

Thoughts playing… these reminisces.
Remembering when we were young.

A meal with a bottle where candlelight softens.
The times in the days we’d found love.

So many memories. We know where our truth is. The years changed almost everything except for our love.

We live for each other. 
We love one another no matter what clouds cover the sun.

These reminisces, the tears and the kisses. Photos of people we were. 

History won’t know us because we chose love that would own us and we bowed down in front of that blade.

The time that I’ve known you is the time I have loved you and I’ll love you forever and a day.
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It is my understanding that in certain backward thinking countries
that if a woman is caught sun bathing topless publicly,
that her bare bottom will be caned for the public to see.
Sounds kind of hypocritical if you ask me,
especially if she was convicted of exposing herself indecently publicly,
but it turns out that two caning sentences she did receive.
One for her topless incident and one for her caning publicly
whereupon her bottom would be exposed indecently for the public to see.
... After the caning is complete her bare bottom is terribly scarred and bloody.
Caning Is Barbaric And Should Be History
if we truly do see ourselves as a higher evolved specie.
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I'M Just Saying

I know the love is genuine because you're willing to sacrifice your glory 
I know your passionate about it because your willing to try & rewrite a already written story 
You are selfless in every since of the word you see the good no matter how absurd 
I often wonder what would make you sacrifice your heart you've been a phenomenal soul since inception hit start 
I pray you see in the mirror the person who illuminates my eyes & forms the vision of a Goddess I  wanna say you're a God  but I'm being modest 
I vote that his story becomes history that might be the answer to the the mystery that keeps you in misery & I'm not trying to hate I'm saying this rather or not you miss me
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Hear Her Roar

There's no greater gift that given life could ever offer
A force to be reckoned with in every form is she and her
They should be cherished and loved in every aspect
For what they bring to the table deserves Humanities respect
All are trusted by creation once a month to recreate life
Their counterpart gets 180 million chances with every attempt
History has never adequately revered them it's pattern has known nothing but their strife
So, on this International Day of honoring my words, hold it accountable, nothing exempt
I've devoted my life to respecting and honoring them in every way that I can
There is no creature more beautiful, more irreplaceable, more undeniable than a woman
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The First Time

I remember when I kissed my first girlfriend,
exciting, moist,  and tasting of bread and butter,
if only I could utter the words that arose within me,
but I had a mouth full at the time, now it's history.

The second time I was more blase,' so they say
that with all my experience, I was ready to go deeper,
but, of course, there were pitfalls along the way,
especially when I found out that someone was gay.

No matter, a kiss is a beautiful loving thing,
to be cherished and remembered forever;
sometimes it's 'who kissed who,' let's say reciprocal,
we want it that way, anything else is illogical.

I'd like to go back, learn everything once more,
been appreciative now I know what's in store.
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Ode To Ruth Ann

True love I thought Oh Ruth Ann You were you are my heart Our souls are joined I relinquish to you my heart soul sure pure But our pulse was just a wish unfilled You never believed There was only history We are now just two lonely bodies You and I Ruth Ann I could never have loved anyone The way I Loved You I would have made love to you Always I would have made love to you forever But her kiss was just a wish unfilled Those was only the darkness And always meant only a minute And our soul entwined no more Yet and still you're my life my light goodbye sweet princess farewell Ole to thee Ruth Ann
2/10/21 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2021
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Broken Heart

She is like a tree dancing in the wind,
her love is like tree leaves that's blown
away in the dust.
My love for her is not her only trust,
she liberates her flesh for lust to enter.

I cried for her love when she is gone,
she sunk like the sun in the west
as the evening creeps in.
I am like a cloud hovering over
her face sinking in the sea.

She rises again at dawn to smile
on a fresh new day for me.
Love me no more O My darling of woe!
Your love invade my soul and then
you vanish like the wind.

Come back to me and tell me your false
love story,
your name is now written as my fading history.
I am the wind coming in the rain,
you are the sea on the shores of my destiny.
Come back my love and embrace me with a kiss,
for our love to grow for you to dance like the
tree in the wind once again.
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Deceitful Deeds

For what is it we find, what is it we feel?
When in the world of men the lie means so much 
more than the truth we need to heal

For what burned and poisoned lands lie dormant 
in their yields?
When the promises of men stray like wisps of 
wind in the valleys and over the fields

For what truth is left to find in a world of deceitful 
Has man lost his will to drive a stake through evil 
when light shows where evil is concealed?

For what is it we need? Has humanity lost its path 
because of selfishness and power greed?
Under the bright light of the moon do we choose not 
to hear history scream in our coldest darkest dreams?

For what is it you want, do you think it’s the same 
as me?
For your children to live a life where the lives they 
have are theirs and the dreams they have are free?
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To the Lost

So many women,
Lost to time.

Mileva Maric,
Helene Kaufler-Savic,
Chien-Shiung Wu.

In a world of men,
Their lights in shadow,
We’ve left their memory to fade away.

The pedestal they deserve
We gave away.
Away to men who were so very wrong,
To men who took the freedom of others,
To men with brains, but no heart or humanity.

Thomas Jefferson,
Albert Einstein.

These men of history, and many more,
With their large shadows
Bury the names of women who were their equals.
Names that time and history have erased.

Margaret Sanger,
Yuri Kochiyama,
Rosalind Franklin.

These women with minds as brilliant as those of they men with which they were forced to compete with,
These names which few know, but changed the course of history.

In remembrance of them,
A moment,
To the women that were lost.
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No Rhyme

What am I without someone like you
Someone to say I love you to
You gave me nothing more than a maybe
You are the one I want to call my baby

Our love is written black on white 
You stole my heart in broad daylight
You set my soul on fire
You are the one I admire 

I look at you once in a while
I have to take a peek at that beautiful smile
You are filled with beauty 
To keep you satisfied is my duty

You are always welcome in my arms
In my heart you set of fire alarms
Calling you mine is in my desire
You give me the power to never retire 

My soul will scream 
Yelling out you are my dream
We are both battling fear
No one knows what we are still doing here

I want you to be mine
I want us to be together like twine
Maybe we are more than chemistry 
Together we could make more than world history 

Your heart is exquisite 
So extraordinary I have found no rhyme
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Aretha - the Legion

Louis Rams is celebrating the Queen's birthday.
2 mins · 

"in honor of the queen"
ARETHA - the legion
I woke up this morning with Aretha on my mind
one of the greatest singers of our time.
she started singing at a very young age
inspiring people while on stage
every song that she would sing
to many people ' tears " she'd bring.
her life will forever be told cause
she was born with a heart of gold.
at her concerts the crowds would scream and shout
till the moment she opened her mouth.
then she would pick up the Mic as ' RESPECT'
took to flight.
then she sang ' I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER "
as her voice filled the air.
her 2014 concert at the white house
gave president OBAMA chills and his spouse
when she sang Amazing Grace as the tears
rolled down her face.
( she was one of the best selling female artist in history
- with 15 million records sold worldwide )
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My Cursed Nightmares

Under the darkened vale within the labyrinth
Of my cursed dreams 
How my wounded heart yearns
As the pages of my history turn
Back to those colourful cherished days 
Now out of reach and so far away.

I dream of my first love Diane
My sweetheart and star filled dream 
Who shaped my future
And made me the man I am.

I'm desperately searching the places
We loved and used to go
And asking people if they know where she is
But no one knows
I know she's near but don't know where
The pain I feel in my heart
Is just too much to bare
I feel lost broken and full of fear
For my soul mate who I loved and breathed for so dear.

Then I awake and it hits me like a bombshell
As reality sets in
It may have just been a nightmare
But she gave me the happiest days of my entire life
I've never really been happy since those days
And I suppose I'll carry my love for her
To my grave.

Peter Dome.copyright. 2014. Aug.
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Let Us Find a Better Way

These times we know are saddening. These times we know are hard.
Our faith in life is being attacked and it will leave a permanent scar.
Our minds are crying for what we’ve lost and what we’ve had taken away.

Our ancestors fought and died for our democracy and payed with so much loss. A debt that we will never be able to repay.
Their blood was spilled in the hope that for the sake of humanity we could find a and live together in a better way.

New horizons inspire deeper depths for learning and understanding in so many different ways.

The history of life echoes a recurring warning to each and every single one of us, every single day...

Open minds create mankind’s most beautiful desires and thoughts and challenge us to find and live in more harmonious ways.

Closed minds contain the fuel of hate and create a cold dead space of lost, unchartered ways.

It’s down to us to take each other by the hand and to learn from mankind’s mistakes.
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Stepping Stones

Do not let this be sand taken by breeze,
uncovering unwanted paths 
like stepping stones in a stream. 
Pause time
without jumping to the next. 
Take all my words said;
this is where I want to remain. 
Feel what I give, please.
Too many eyes look for hidden messages and depart, forgetting their hearts.
I forever say how I feel. 
If in doubt, then question. 
Find the acceptance together,
balance of communication, 
not letting either one side fall behind with once promised.
Striving to be the best of me in all aspects... 
I feel this with you now.
Do not uncover "History repeats".
Though I am strong, disappointment lays tightly between the rocks.
Can our newfound respect flow with the incoming tide,
endless love that cannot be cut by blindness wants.
Do not run away or hide, keep me in view.
Help me reach my goals, 
dissolving persistent doubt from countless tries.
Heal my wounds 
whilst staying true, 
holding hands tightly 
....never letting go
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If I Could Plant a Seed In the House of Me

if i could plant a seed in the house of me,
i would make every attempt to grow you 
at every angle of the house of me

i enjoy having you as my interior designer
making me better and more presentable when
it comes down to just simply being myself

whether the sun shines or the rain falls, you 
provide the protective coating never before
discovered in the history of nature period

okay, despite the fact that i am getting ahead
of myself, i just wanted to step outside of myself
and tell you in my own little shy way that i love
and admire every fiber of your being

i know that i can be moody, introverted, and to myself,
but you look deeper into my soul and find the groove 
on the inside of me to move to

my appreciation of you cannot really be anywhere near
close to covered in the words of this poem, so i am just 
gonna conclude by blowing a solidification thank you kiss
and present you with this passionflower as a symbol of my
devout devotion to you....thank you baby....
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Captivating Filipina

She is bronze colored in complexion...
She is not too tall nor too small..
She is found along high rise buildings to sidewalks..
She dresses according to the 90's, to the latest moda...

She has her own unique style...
She has of brilliance undefined..
She has the hands soft to caress and rough to grip..
She has of eloquence: smile that soothes...

She is from the southeastern seas..
She belongs to islands of myriads history..
She comes from the land of the tropics..
She stands out among the crowd..

Empowered through high quality education..
Unbreakable by dozens of life experiences..
Molded flexible enough by Her culture 
Zest enough to face the whole world..

Wether in the most sophisticated way..
To the simplest servant you can see at home...
What makes her so captivated...
Her full blown nationality of being a Filipina...

© O. E. Guillermo

Sponsor	Poet Destroyer A
Contest Name	a poem you have not entered in a past contest # 11 
Placrf 9th

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I Wish You Love

Waking to the heady wisps of a mildly settling dawn-break, I understand why we are connected trading our private reflections with ease in the name of deep affinity--after all these years, your confessions, milestones have become mine as well. And we both laugh at that fateful day, a serendipitous occurrence in the theater, your handkerchief slapping my face blown by an airwave-- Beneath the patter of falling rain, a coffee for two after-- surely the rest, a history of friendship as an omen of a union washes away all the loneliness of my nights. You, a chain binding me when strength loosens its grip, And I, your designated clown in the drama of your life's courtyard. I now take leave for a long voyage far, thousand miles from this city which knows us well, desperate somewhat to be estranged from you; but that precious gaze reassures me that everything is as it should be... the only thing you'll never know, my dear, is the hidden love I carry --since we met. Contest; My Friend, My Love January 7, 2019
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You Are My Angel

The term "angel" is used quite regularly.
For example: Guardian Angel is a term you use continually,
often when you are referring to me,
and I am honored that you feel that way about yours truly,
but the truth is that you in so many ways have always been an angel for me.
While you live your life embracing all the love and joy life offers everybody,
I live my life so deeply depressed, 24/7, lost in my misery.
You and I are the perfect balance, at least for me selfishly.
Every moment I have ever spent with you has relieved me,
from this chronic depression I've lived with throughout my life's history,
and for those moments we've shared, however long or however brief,
I Know How It Feels To Feel Truly Happy,
and for that My Angel you will always be,
the angel who would save me, with only just the thought of she,
from this dark existence I live constantly,
You My Angel Samara, Will Always Be My Angel, until the last breath I breath.
Yours Always My Angel, and by "always" I mean eternally.

Samara's Medical Fund
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His Girl

With his wisdom and my charisma, we shoot strong magnetism.
To be his girl is simply magnetic phenomena.
His love is instrumental loving me without words, reassurances me that I can be his girl.
I do not need to travel the world; I already know that he is the one I am looking for.
Interventions of my heart and his mind, is a love affair that is one of a kind.
My felicity I draw off his mentality.
His pleasing quality makes me love his intellectual capabilities.
I am guilty committing felonies strictly on fidelity, showing nothing but loyalty.
Everlasting fiery no other man can come near me, my flame burns internally literally.
Influence by his charm, as if I was a vampire feeding off his blood.
To be his girl is a translation of my version of his love.
In a state of adaptation I am in compliance, we form an alliance.
Merging our personalities turns me to an unstoppable we.
To be his girl I turn into every woman in the world.
The best of both worlds the collaboration of boy meets girl.
Abundance in his talent possessing riches, loving me wealthy never turning to bankruptcy.
I am definitely making history on the day he marries me.
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Finally Forgiven

I watched her flowers wilt-
Somber, as my tears
were unable to resurrect
their perennial luster.

My bones brittle under the weight
of her cold, and lying smile;
I tried to sew my seed. 
Foolishly plowing in soil muddied 
by blood that was quickly becoming 
clotted by history- Weakly reflecting its
cost by a sallow moon.

We cannot harvest what has been tainted. 
We cannot sew seeds where soil has 
roots rigid with anger.

And yet, I dug. Crimson hands staining 
the tools her enchantment gave me. 
Hoping they didn't break each time 
I hit a stone that reminded me of her
once adamantine heart.

Slick with the salt of anguish,
I loosed the tools into shadow
where I prayed hope still found them.

Too weary to go on in the cold. 
I lit a fire under the waining 
reflection of my regret. Curled up. 
Letting rotting branches kindle. 
Praying for a warm Sun to work 
under. Or rain to wash it all away.

I closed my eyes. 
Pictured her working the Garden. 
The way only she could. 
Her smile became the Sun. 
Everything began to bloom.
As I sank into the Earth.

Finally forgiven.

-James Kelley 2019

Book: Shattered Sighs