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Fontana Poems - Poems about Fontana

Fontana Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fontana to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fontana.

Fout De Mirror
...In the year 2099 a group of college students and there now freind " the Disgraced" Professor Morse Twigg. Used a time machine to travel to the year 1899 to find the Lost treasure of Muzo Chiva......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, music,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Love In Berlin
...Rome was always a playground for me, Where lovely girls thronged around the streets: The Fontana dei Trevi where people threw coins Hoping they would revisit enchanting Rome, Or on the Spanish st......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Clerihew Fontana
...Agentinian Lucio Fontana had a limited art formula He became signficant in middle age his monochromes were all the rage......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, art, people,
Form: Clerihew

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Twilight's Own
Categories: fontana, allegory, tribute,
Form: List
Premium Member Appalachian-Second Bear Episode
...Meanwhile, our troop moved on down the trail. One more bear episode needs be told. We arrived at the next stop with out fail. It was late evening and beginning to get cold. Two of us went to th......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, adventure, nature, placesspring, mother,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member Appalachian Trail-First Bear Episode
...The Appalachian Trail is quite a long path. Not many can go the whole way. For those not content to do the math It’s five million strides, so they say. Most hikers elect to go part of the way. ......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, adventure, nature, places
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member The Gigolo of Via Veneto
...Everybody knows him as Alessandro, the handsome gigolo of Via Veneto, and his lucky charms he sells to many a gorgeous lady, he approaches them and says, " Mademoiselle, parle vous Francais?" as......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, adventure, holiday, music, passion,
Form: Narrative
Daydream To Reality
...A trip long wanted awaitng me. Up at the Eiffel Tower looking below Testing my luck at the Fontana di Trevi "London's Calling" me Tempting me Big Ben's not Far Off to hundreds of ......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, hope
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Spazialismo
...Void beyond the canvas- space into art. Ekphrasis after Spatial Art by Fontana.......Read the rest...
Categories: fontana, art, space,
Form: Lanterne

Book: Reflection on the Important Things