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Flesh Poems - Poems about Flesh

Flesh Poems - Examples of all types of poems about flesh to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for flesh.
We are but pale flesh thin as paper our lives are not our own we walk from each moment to the next, a reflection of times long lost visions yet to form a pale vestige of...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, allusion, angel, art, beach,
Form: Free verse
Robert Sherriff 'Australian' Author-Poet- Flesh and blood
Robert Sherriff 'Australian' Author-Poet-Actor-Model-Singer/songwriter Flesh and blood I was flesh and blood who, with the grace of God, has been blessed by him, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. I have been with my belief....Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, baptism, bible, boy, child,
Form: Elegy

A Kilo of Flesh
If I give you a kilo of my flesh would you leave me to bleed to death? If I give you a kilo of my flesh would you approve the deal and stop the steal? I...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, animal, anti bullying, business,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I AM NOT flesh I AM SPIRIT ENERGIES--
“My flesh is not myself it’s my birth suit, I AM energy spirit soul” by Author I am not of this world, thought I was birth as flesh This is not...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, adventure, analogy, appreciation, destiny,
Form: Grook
These are poems about shadows and shadowy things... Transplant by Michael R. Burch You float, unearthly angel, clad in flesh as strange to us who briefly knew your flame as laughter to disease. And yet you laugh. Behind your smile, the...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, angel, dark, daughter, earth,
Form: Rhyme

Temptations Of the Flesh
Even with The cross Around his neck And the childhood Anxiety over An imaginary man’s judgement His thoughts Were more iniquitous Than my own He would delineate the way Shower droplets Languidly glide down my skin...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, bible, lust, religion,
Form: Free verse
CLEAVING TO MY BELIEF Standing sure too firm Will not fidget too dwarf I'll get rooted and strong To my belief and my vault Weights little by great held me They wanted me to be drawn aback Held on to shin,...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, deep, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My planet
A gem in the universe, an oasis...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, planet,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member From Spirit to Flesh
Peaceful existence as a Being of light; Not of flesh, not of clay, nor soil, yet made. Created with the Breath of Life. Spoken into miraculous awareness from the lips of The...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, angel, bible, creation, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Song to the Soul of Myself saith the Flesh
So let us fly away like an eagle to our soul mate's space the throne room the habitation in the flesh- the soul, the spirit- the mind- the song the joy the peace be...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, anxiety, appreciation, bible, courage,
Form: Free verse
Vile Glorified
Gleaming in thy heart O my love, is it pure? Can a glory ever last? Vile me death, thou heaven be Do love lasts forever? Do my blood ,thy flesh?...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, art, beauty, daffodils, dance,
Form: Rhyme
Baptism and reflection
“An eternal man Will bathe you in flames and light To cleanse your own flesh of sin” “Do not reflect flesh Seek to mix water and flames To reflect eternal light” ...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, baptism, fire, light, mirror,
Form: Sedoka
Premium Member Marionette of Flesh in a Borrowed Dress
"Marionette of Flesh in a Borrowed Dress" - Daniel Henry Rodgers The hourglass, a skeletal jester mocks in the tomb's chill Each falling grain an emaciated sigh, "Soon you'll cease to be." The mirror's cold reflection, a Gorgon's ghastly...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, death, loneliness, mental illness,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member In the desolate temple of the soul, flesh weaves over bone a silent epitaph
In the desolate temple of the soul, flesh weaves over bone a silent epitaph, Spirits lock thought within the ark of thought, and sometimes, a divine spark, And women in furies pour vessels into fragments of petrified...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Flesh Wounds
The mirror reflects a lifetime etched upon my skin; a canvas of stories whispered through maturity. I stand before it, middle-aged and exposed, my nakedness laid bare. My image holds no judgment, only truth—an unyielding...Read the rest...
Categories: flesh, appreciation, beauty, body, growth,
Form: Free verse

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