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Husband Father Poems

These Husband Father poems are examples of Father poems about Husband. These are the best examples of Father Husband poems written by international poets.

A Father’s Day Tribute: To A Father Like My Own
Few words I pen, for today is your day,
A celebration of you, in every way.
Thrilled and happy, my heart does sing,
For your life has been...

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Categories: father, 11th grade, anniversary, appreciation,

Premium Member Cold Feet
I’m afraid my feet are now cold 
On an idea I was once sold
To be wife for life to smile and cry
With days and nights...

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Categories: father, angst, anxiety, art, bridal

Still wrestling with impasse to contentment
Still wrestling with impasse to contentment

Dispense sing with fidelity blithely agog
just me and mine dark shadow 
slinking along outer limits of 
the edge of night...

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Categories: father, abuse, adventure, beauty, body,

Premium Member Fire Department Legend
Grandfather, Father, Son- three legends are:
they served their City service very well.
From 30s through the 80s, each a star;
as Firemen- many dangers each befell.

Three generations...

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Categories: career, father son, tribute,

Premium Member Guess Who
Who was a family show singer,
when her young daughter tried to be a dead ringer.
He brought her to life,
then she became  his wife.


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Categories: father, child, color, dance, family,

Premium Member Apo address somewhere in Italy 1942
It was a crisp day October 27th 1942 
that's when my pop set out for WW11
right after my grandmother Nona
gave birth to my dad orders...

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Categories: father, appreciation, baptism, beautiful, dedication,

While attempting going to sleep after midnight
While attempting going to sleep after midnight...

December 27th, 2023,
the missus pounded mine posterior
(she played paddywhack 
on me blimey buttucks)
not only causing contusion, 
but flaying percussive...

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Categories: blue, cry, father, games,

Premium Member Nameless
"A mother's love is made in heaven." Quote Written By Poet

She was a young and beautiful bride,
then her handsome husband died.
The fast car came out...

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Categories: father, baby, happy, mom, parents,

Premium Member 3D Glasses

I see you
Now stuck in two dimensions 
They sit you up
They lie you down
Semi vertical
Fully horizontal

Yet, I have the coloured lenses 
Of memory
They don't know...

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© Sam Scott  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: father son, life,

Premium Member Someone Like My Dad
strong and loving man
 devoted husband and dad 
gives shirt off back...

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Categories: father,

Premium Member Diamonds
On earthen shores are treasures


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Categories: death, faith, family, father,

Father Sun
When the sun rises high, energy and life are vibrant in nigh.
The light shines over all, from the great divine fiery ball
It gives energy to...

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© Jacob Hurt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: father, earth,

Premium Member Meadow Plays Bluegrass
Meadow was born out of a long line of fiddlers
Her bluegrass roots showed out without apology
We were tapping our feet after the first three notes

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Categories: father, granddaughter, grandmother, music,

Alone in this world
Alone in this society
Alone in love
Alone in life
Alone in fatherhood
Alone in my time of need
Nobody to help me
Nobody to care about what...

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Categories: anxiety, dark, depression, father

Premium Member Husband and Fathers
The husband and father needed today,
Guided by the Pillar of Fire by night, and Cloud by day.

His Chief Shepherd the Lord, provider of house and...

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Categories: character, christian, family, father,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things