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Farmer Poems - Poems about Farmer

Farmer Poems - Examples of all types of poems about farmer to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for farmer.
Premium Member Farmer under the azure sky
Under the azure sky and in the green fields the farmer's life lovely.His home,a tin-roofed house and an earthen floor with mud plastered wall is a part of nature,nestled in its lap.Peace seems to reside there. Yet, in the...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, farm,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Farmer Fred Sings Seeger
It was halftime of the football game Grabbed an umbrella and strolled down the lane Saw Farmer Fred out singing in the rain These were the words of his refrain Where have all the voters gone? Hard time knowing Where have...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, political,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member I Thank
I thank the sun ... The soil, the summer rain, I thank the apple tree The fields of golden grain I thank the corn crops And the pumpkin patch, I thank the warm barn Where new poults hatch I thank Tom turkey...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, appreciation, farm, food, fruit,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member John Farmer
In memory of John Farmer, a man so bold, An ironworker’s tale, in stories retold. From Local 46, his strength did shine, In New York’s skyline, his work divine. A skydiver brave, he soared the skies,...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, eulogy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member No Romance for Farmer Fred
Farmer Fred on the day he was wed Believed every word he said He knew his light of love Nancy Was so much more than a passing fancy Nancy had brains, beauty, and drive With her by his side, Fred...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, romance,
Form: Rhyme

river in full spate yoke of oxen wade calmly confident farmer...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, farm,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member FARMER SEED PLANTER My SpokenWord
Rich is the language evocated clear emphasis On divine nature of humanity and the beauty of, His creation the imagination imagery of a seed. A planter wound man and the birth process is a stunning metaphor for the...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, beautiful, birth, creation, god,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Scary to Larry
There once was a farmer named Larry With a hundred cows at his dairy Larry did his best Hired help for the rest Milking that many cows was scary ...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, farm, funny, humor, life,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Poll
A farmer drove into town. Some posters made him frown. They said, "Go to the Poll". He said,"In the pasture below?" "Right now, they're standing a'chowin'". (To understand this limerick, you must understand that a polled cow has no horns...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, animal, political,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member wife irritates Farmer B
Farmer B spent the day moving a carrot from Farm A to B. Why didn’t you plant it in B in the first place asked his wife, C. He had no reply, for it made sense, and...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, age,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Cheddar Cheese
The farmer said his cow was a Swiss. Lou said "Tell me one thing, and it is this. Does it make holes in the cheese, Using Swiss milk, if you please?" Farmer said, "No. But the cheddar...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, food,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Hilda Milks Cy
Every animal in the lot came by for a hi They wanted to see Hilda milk her baby Cy Cy was okay with it, not a bit tit shy And of course, the kitty was sitting by. Hello! Said...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hands that toil : Hearts that ache
From fields of gold to the city's cold embrace, He came a farmer, with a weathered face. Dusty clothes, hands calloused and worn, Carrying the burden of harvest born. But steel and glass denied his rightful claim, A public servant,...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, angst, clothes, color, conflict,
Form: Narrative
To Be a Farmer
Must be cool to be a farmer. (Well, except for all the work!) Having produce at your fingertips Would be a lovely perk. Feeding chickens, brushing horses, Waking up to milk the cows, All sound great within the fantasy My urban mind...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, farm,
Form: Rhyme
Norwegian Bachelor Farmer Days I Never Lived
Norwegian bachelor farmer days I never lived Woebegone and egg foo young on you meaning me of course sidestepping a crucial positive electric kool aid battery acid test prior to pledging troth, and tying Gordian knot to strangulation point, never fending for myself, nor...Read the rest...
Categories: farmer, adventure, america, appreciation, atheist,
Form: Rhyme

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