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Ezra Poems - Poems about Ezra

Ezra Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ezra to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ezra.
Premium Member The logical conclusion'
Such great insight, from Ezra Pound.' Concise; and yet? Fantastic.! Truly sound' at this current time he is Fully in stride, voicing all the insanitys.' So should we? ignore him? Then its 'woe betide.! ...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, education,
Form: Rhyme
Ultimately, it's a matter of seasons, waiting for dawn. Through the skylight, tiny as it is, my hope resides. It's a glimpse of the hope I eagerly yearn to meet from my room. I've longed to find belonging,...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, dream, fate, sorrow, stress,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member In the Back of Ezra Pound
I found your poem. I confess. I was moved. By the thought. Of you. ...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, appreciation, beauty, love, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I decided to keep watch on you from walls, I moved my shoes away to give you a breath, Nevertheless, have I ever moved miles away, I kept a moderate distance to watch every step of you, Look all...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, beautiful, february, first love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Imagist Mvp Ezra
He began as an image theorist with the genre never did not persist...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, poetry,
Form: Couplet

Life's Shadow
Life's shadow leaved for centuries before Christ and Anno Domini. maneuvering again and again and its delighted in that. That it's irreversible. Life's shadow moving on waters on mountains on fire and in valleys. free and easy making sure every micro second is felt. Life's shadow moving...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, adventure, destiny, encouraging, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Book of Ezra - Il Miglior Fabbro
Dear Mr. Pound, Your holiday in Italy Has besmirched your legacy. Your Cantos, they plead, But don’t exonerate, Not as far as I can see. Dear Mr. Pound, Did praise from Hemingway Whet your narcissistic thirst? As an ex-pat abroad,...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, allegory, art, history, literature,
Form: Bio
His name was Ezra but you didn't and wont know him. An observant nihilist, pouring out vile play scripts in 400 word messages. Researching one's hyper-fixation so the insomniac has someone who he may believe will enjoy...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, appreciation, change, childhood, death,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Parson Ezra Heap
Once there was a parson named Ezra Heap Whose Sunday sermons were profoundly deep The louder Ezra implored The more...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, humorous, religion,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Ezra
This is an unfinished Heroic Crown of Sonnets dedicated to a friend's grandchild who was born with serious lower body issues 3 years ago...but he is so perfect and beautiful in every other way that...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, life,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Ezra Schwartz
Ezra Schwartz Oct 1, 1997 — Nov 19, 2015 The dice of terror Was cast that day Young Ezra’s life Was taken away He went to Israel For his gap year To...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, death,
Form: Rhyme
For Baby Ezra
Little wonderful baby With eyes that shows strength A survivor, breathing into the world like many Such glorious eyes that sees through the eclipse night at birth Baby Ezra Am sure you'll grow And dine on golden tars and stars Many strength...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, beautiful, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Dear Ezra
Dear Ezra, Violets are blue, roses are red, i hate you and wish you were dead. You have spilt my blood and called me Names, But you have always though it was a game, Ive...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, death, mystery, teenme, me,
Form: I do not know?
Personified (In Ezra)
Wriggling my way     across the page     I thrash about, lost by perspective and     challenged to     summon only     significant passions expressing clarity     of struggle. The knowing face of     immortality proffers     gracious wisdom from antiqued parchments to     reassert with     fervent hope more than just meter or instinct     until I find Ezra Pound in...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, introspection, philosophy
Form: Free verse
To the hands that held copper in red, gleaming red in open palms brimming in value, like gold To these hands of faith with utensils and bowls stone upon stone was restored. To the eyes that wept tears in streams, silver streams and saw...Read the rest...
Categories: ezra, devotion, faith, history, people,
Form: Rhyme

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