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Expressions Poems - Poems about Expressions

Expressions Poems - Examples of all types of poems about expressions to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for expressions.
Love Expressions
I, who in love for the first time I feels so embarrassed, felt begrime My instinct uses a subtle way solemn I write love letters into poem In a tissue or a stationery paper to throve As my way of...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, devotion, emotions, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Expressions
Autumn Breezy cheer with love again one more year We taste the hot chocolate In our private den the chill is in the air! The grass is...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, appreciation, care, community, fun,
Form: Narrative

Facial Expressions
All emotions Boldly written On every face....Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, emotions, language, passion,
Form: Than-Bauk

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Facial Expressions
You can talk using By your eyes; you can point a Way using your lips....Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, engagement, language, perspective, smart,
Form: Senryu
Laughing, crying Angry and sad All have faces....Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, emotions, engagement, fate, perspective,
Form: Than-Bauk

P O E T , up and running phatic expressions, up and running it is!
Mirror mirror on the wall, the pre decided fairest of all When I utter fiancé , Did you see all kinds of fees incurred? When I utter Feodor Fees and beyond? And a lightyear and a “buraq” With fifty turned five… Did...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, brother,
Form: Free verse
Asterism that's how i can explain how we met I'm no astronaut but the stars aligned when i met you Solace is what i found in you I've been happy all my life but with you there's comfort I can keep searching for...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, anniversary, art, creation, fantasy,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Expressions of love
With so many people in the world there are so many expressions of love but what it comes down to is the simple I love you...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, love,
Form: Monoku
Divine Expressions
We're all expressions of the All, all designed for different things The earth is a stage & we're all its actors, living & breathing divine beings The father of all expresses himself in each & every one of us We must...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, god, identity, mirror, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Expressions
Starless empty nights revelation of feelings identity loss...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, lost,
Form: Senryu
Expressions of Gratitude
Today thank a veteran Open your heart let them in Tell them how much you appreciate All their sacrifice, its not to late To let them know how much they mean All the horror they have seen Will never be lost...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, america, courage, military, remember,
Form: Rhyme
A person can't be tuned or programmed to be a certain way. So why is it I feel “a defective system” to this day? My mind; it flickers black and white I try and try to get...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, depression, psychological, society,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Expressions of Love
Try a piece of toast Remember those loving words Things like that soothe me...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, anxiety,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Expressions An Open Form
EXPRESSIONS  imagery with compassion a newness concealed interpreted reserved &  consumated with inevitable  exquisite exertion & intense  inspiration marked excitement in unusual circumstances adhere in  extreme struggles of  solemn reflection  on  mesmerising prowess...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Silent Expressions
Misting the mountains, the roses Softly dripping, sliding down petals Gentling the feelings with emotive Drizzling across forever, inviting Even the light to whisper its caress Kissing away all the darkness, Erasing the melancholy, the doubt With breathless whispers of dew Drops...Read the rest...
Categories: expressions, appreciation, blessing, creation, rain,
Form: Imagism

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry