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Errors Poems - Poems about Errors

Errors Poems - Examples of all types of poems about errors to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for errors.
I hadn’t seen her for ages, But I’d know her anywhere, With that finely chiseled profile And that mass of golden hair. We’d had a rollercoaster romance. I remembered the thrill of it all, As I raised my hand in greeting, Across...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, lost love, money,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Life is one way
Categories: errors, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Be at peace
Categories: errors, gospel,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Everybody Makes Boobies
Everybody makes boobies, Put our big feet in it, Just some clumsy footwork And we find ourselves in a pit. Everybody makes boobies, Everybody makes mistakes, When shooting our life’s film, There is bound to be out-takes. ...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, bird, fun, funny, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We All Make Mistakes
For God's sake, we all make mistakes We all commit inmumerable errors Nobody is perfect, everybody is under the sticks Like the old days in the school of horrors Where students are mistreated or beat with wires With sticks, belts,...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, career, crush, hate, humanity,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Sensitivity and Life
Too sensitive will make life hard Too ignorant will make life meaningless Our five gifted senses Do sense life and its essences Because we're sensitive and we care Sensitivity will bring us Truth and justice Prevention and salvation Avoidance of errors,...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, care, life, love, senses,
Form: Free verse
Those Little Demons
merge these errors into a single block... dump like rubble on the next cliff... flee before you hear the dry thud of defects sprawled on the ground claiming its author. because self-indulgence saves even if it's fake like when you disguise look...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Errors
When you see errors Originated from the others You’ll feel hurt and harm When you see errors Wholly emerged from yourself You’ll be calm and cool...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, cool, hurt,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Spellceckers, Down
SpellCeckers, Down! ——————————————————————- I’m Spellcheckers. I’ll read your mind, Starting always from two lines behind. So, you’ll use up all your time Going back to proofread every line, Not for your errors, but for mine. I’m a pure-bred SpellCheckers....Read the rest...
Categories: errors, angst, change, fun, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Errors of God
Writing is far from new – pictures our first penmanship: on cave-walls, in clay frames, using colored sand – depictions, mans' desire to inform; each of us having his or her own view of nature – dreams our deeper landscape....Read the rest...
Categories: errors, christian, perspective, philosophy, political,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Life Long Learning
Man learns from the past Avoiding errors from the past Man learns at the present Skipping errors at the present Man learns about the future Preventing errors in the future Life long learning Is just a process Gifted by the past Possessed by the...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, future, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Errors of Others
Trying to correct the errors of others Deprives one Of valuable time, his own to correct! © Demetrios Trifiatis 18 September 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, character, introspection,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Zero Liberty Without Errors
We've begun to live, spare apart vicariously. To actively probe and grasp aggressively.   Existentialism and ethics are linked inextricably.  Individual liberty is a wonderful property. Nonetheless, it is frequently not taken seriously. We may convey our concerns and difficulty. We all fathom...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, analogy, appreciation, character, courage,
Form: Monorhyme
Errors In Memories
Forgiving Forgetting all thoughts paining Forgiving Closing the lanes revenge traveling Forgiving Deleting all errors from memory...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, emotions, engagement, family, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Writing Errors
Writing all Their pens Making errors Blamed then Innocent,typing Typing all Now not writing Blamed not Writing errors...Read the rest...
Categories: errors, write,
Form: Free verse

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