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Once Upon Dream Poems

These Once Upon Dream poems are examples of poetry about Once Upon Dream. These are the best examples of Dream Once Upon poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Once Upon a Dream
Upon my lips, I felt a kiss
In a dream, it surely was bliss
My heart was dancing frolic flips 
I felt a kiss, upon my lips.


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Categories: dance, dream, fantasy, travel,

Premium Member Lunar light whispers
The moon is a lonely man's chalice to drink from 
drunken paradise in such darkness we cling unto the light 
where the warmth of a...

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Categories: dream, emotions, feelings, heart,

Premium Member It started with a blank canvas
They say the sun has a way with searing our sights, 
maybe it just might,
But stars could swoop through the obscurity,
blazing in a sea of...

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Categories: deep, dream, feelings, imagery,

Premium Member The Compliment by Max Burchett
by Max Burchett

Lots of flattery and L.A. handshakes given,
But once upon a time, actually just last year,
A seemingly casual compliment was for me heaven,
One I...

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Categories: appreciation, dream, encouraging, identity,

Premium Member Shared With Love Revolution
Once upon a time lovingly shared,
instant transport to a new world;
Flying on razor wishes
that slice giving vision;
Go change everything!
It’s in the book;
There’s nothing 
you can’t...

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Categories: dream, emotions, feelings, inspirational,

Premium Member Once Upon a Dream Line
Sleep and imagine
Cushioned sleep
A soul to keep
Journey into the hidden mystery
Perhaps a theory
Open door
A dream to explore
Possibilities angle
A could into would
Hope in should
Magical behind the...

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Categories: dream, adventure, appreciation, blessing, care,

It Was a Dream, Geez
I met a fellow with a chuckle, oh, so meez,
He said, "Life's a puzzle, it's all such a reez,
Let's find some fun,...

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Categories: dream, fun,

I made several grave mistakes on purpose
Accidentally called you by another name
I am a tragedy in reverse in every verse
Shame on me for doing the...

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Categories: dream, angst, courage, desire, endurance,

Premium Member Dreamscape Lover
* A collaboration with the awesome Liam McDaid

Fair maiden who sails on each crested wave 
Drawn from the deepest ocean currents 
Galloping white steeds landing on golden...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: desire, dream, romance,

Premium Member A Once Upon a Time Dream
A long long time ago (even not so long ago it sometimes seems),
I used to have what I perceived to be nice, practical dreams.

Not many...

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Categories: dream,

A Girl's Dream
Once upon a time there was a girl.

A girl who dreamed of having the life she’d always wanted.

A good job, a husband, some kids, a...

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Categories: dream, childhood, for teens, heartbreak,

Myself, Me and I
Once upon a time, without complete thought
My life was simple, nothing was too fraught
But as I grew, new challenges emerged
My path wasn’t clear, fate was...

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Categories: dream, adventure, confidence, inspirational, irony,

Premium Member Fantasy Dream

Once upon a time in a fantasy dream,
I was a fairy floating on a sun beam.
The butterflies gathered around me,
as I floated among each forest...

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Categories: dream, fairy, fantasy,

Premium Member In the Space, After the Dream
The electricity crackles 
Too loudly in the air
I keep seeing heart shapes
In my dreams, on the blanket
Snapping upright, awake, over and over
I can't try and...

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Categories: dream, anxiety,

Premium Member Once Upon a Time Viii
Once upon a time, 
Hope, a featherless bird was,
For to escape from despair's land, 
Its very own wings did grow 
Onto the place...

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Categories: cheer up, dream, hope,

Book: Shattered Sighs