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Domination Poems - Poems about Domination

Domination Poems - Examples of all types of poems about domination to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for domination.
No gender bias please
Is gender equality a worldwide illegal occurrence? Yes, women face several threats throughout their lives, Evaluated less than men at home, education and in service, Try...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Bullies
Domination, fear based station, intimidation, seeks trepidation. agitation, heated conversation. Ignore. Be patient....Read the rest...
Categories: domination, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme

Broken Home
She always said the most hurtful words, You are dumb, very stupid, you are a hoe cause you would actually suit it, Apparently it was her way of teaching, her way of capturing a Childs subconscious, To show...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, children, conflict, dad, feelings,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

under a nervous rain in the dark afternoon of the forest the slave extracts latex from the rubber tree and the whip leaves stripes in the man on his knees under the scorching sun in the morning before shrouded by...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, pain, rainforest, slavery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Last Conversation With Larry
"Shine my boots, wench!" Larry said "Fetch my wine and cheese and bread! Tidy up my murphy bed! Feed the hog and Mr. Ed! Corn mash for Rhode Island Red! Why look so gobsmacked by dread? Did you not say...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, divorce, humor, husband, marriage,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Covid-19 Domination
Covid-19 Domination Tom’s Thoughts October 8, 2020 Yes, Covid-19 can be fatal! But so can driving any freeway at 70 MPH. Yet when we’re doing it, we’re not thinking of death? We face death daily in assorted ways without thought or...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, fear, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Unpopular Questions Number 3 of 2020
Glorious Spain after 1492, and the cost Long forgotten, but for Bartolomeo de Las Casas O the lie of OUR WORK ETHIC! How did Catholic Iberia Rule the Americas (1492 -1898), dominate Europe? You can rule, too, if you...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, america, bible, england, history,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Momma's Domination
Still think of my dear first wife Linda Succumbed to breast cancer, she was an enigma Did she love me 'Twas an uncertainty Ending mama's domination, No.1 on her agenda...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, conflict,
Form: Limerick
Remarkable Domination
K-nowledge A-bout W-inning H-as I-mpressively L-et E-very O-pponent N-icely A-dmire R-emarkable D-omination Topic:NBA Finals MVP (June 14,2019) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, basketball,
Form: Acrostic
Love and Domination
The day you were given birth Your form enveloped all the earth And there upon you dominated land Rock, granite, soil and sand We’d laugh upon a sunny day And sparkle as the children play I could softly sigh and relax...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, beach, beautiful, beauty, love,
Form: Rhyme
The Domination of Mindless Replication
Everybody still has bits and pieces that make us human, traits from a time before we became convoluted replicas unwittingly tracing our steps to the grave. We all started with hearts full of desire, souls...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, angst, conflict, corruption, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Unholy Thunderous Domination
Destroy thine own brother in abject apathy taking up arms 'midst conquering expectancy, invoking howls of contemptible thunder neath skies' transparency beyond trepidation, battles' plundering captures naught of stability nor intervention from otherworldly gods predisposed towards earthly universal unity,...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, allegory, conflict, corruption, fire,
Form: Free verse
Oh, Daddy, have I been a good girl? Has all of my hard work to impress you paid off? Oh, Daddy, you know I've been good, but I want to be bad for you, too. Oh, Daddy, you've had such a...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, desire, fantasy, lust, relationship,
Form: Burlesque
Premium Member Male Domination
MALE DOMINATION ----------------------------- Candlelight rides hard against the skin The warmth of the fire eating with excitement A slight touch of desire, running down my spine Wax drops, leaving behind intense passion I move my whip,...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, beauty, desire, fantasy, imagination,
Form: Free verse
A Checklist For World Domination
World domination is a fickle thing. Arsenals must be compiled, and friends beguiled, to see successes bright sheen; At first armies are riled, building from the broke and poor, can save you your store, a trick from The Hailed; Citizens must have rights,...Read the rest...
Categories: domination, inspirational, philosophy, war,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry