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Discus Poems - Poems about Discus

Discus Poems - Examples of all types of poems about discus to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for discus.
Premium Member Flower Footles
...A Rose Most chose A Lily So frilly A Peony Bee honey A Hibiscus Bloom discus A Lilac Purple crackerjack A Daffodil Yellow thrill A Wave Petunia Will rave Ah A Begonia So ......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, beauty, flower,
Form: Footle
Rose Fuss To Discus You Love Us
...when we rose a fuss with you want this to discus glad that you love us......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Hyacinth was a legal tackle– it’s not as if football is a dangerous sport, sure you have your injuries, but it’s not like boxing where the guys walk around brain-damaged, or look at hockey, they have......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

People Will Love Me
...I came into the world with one life to live, The joy of brothers shall be my warrant through— Even the reach is not their pleasure. The kindness of a poor is neglected— Forgetting that it's th......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, allusion, black love, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hyacinths and Hope
... As fresh and as fragrant, colored hyacinths, That intoxicates one with heavenly scent. So may my true,original form of artful poetry, Bloom and blossom, escaping cells of the past. To ......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, imagery, inspiration, poetess,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Joke Is On You
...Hickory, Dickory, Dock. A giant Fear, this planet has been rocked! Alas, do not shake, Just get loaded and do not awake? Each second our freedom passes. We (not me) will give this world......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, how i feel, poets,
Form: Rhyme
A Cry
...Saša Milivojev - A CRY Apollo’s discus Fine blond hair The echo of the universe The strong winds of Zephyr The sun’s heat Melted the wax wings And I fall again Why am I not a shado......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, cry, deep, depression, people,
Form: Lyric
Many More Along With Many More Poems
...About this new priest need to discus, He sure has become an added plus And after name, Was his game; Whole church started raising a fuss. Looked like new priest had a loose tooth; Had been gi......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Lie Ability
... Pathological spit-steroid addict, blame-shifting weightlifting fanatic Decathlon cracked lip truth ... Jumping over another high cloudy crystal methane alibi aloof sprint h......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, allusion, perspective, truth, wisdom,
Form: Burlesque
After the England Semi Final
...Dad has ordered a new shed, he'll site it in the shade replacing the one put out by the local Fire Brigade. The wheelie bin is full of food almost a three course luncheon with sausages as black......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, football, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Boss Vs Employee
...You've been invited to a hot debate:  A dangerous war between two fighters. Those who are fighting with extreme hate. An inspiring topic for sci-fic writers! One side is the boss, the king of t......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, business, endurance, fun, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Garden of Joy
...I remember, I remember my garden of joy, It gave me great happiness when I was a boy At the bottom of the garden was a delightful stream, When alone, I would sit beside it, meditate and dream. In......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, poetry,
Form: ABC
Life In An Aquarium
...Yellow Butterflyfish and Snakeskin Discus swim freely in this life I call an aquarium- I see a Purple Regal Tang as the Pufferfish sang with a melody like a sweet guitar strum. Blue and pink......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, beauty, fish, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Those Pair of Shoes
...for the heard for the hurdle of a mile turn ace of hold match for the dagger wind wet back this topic is a hot one to discus dear god shoe laces tighten if time had a shovel words and learning ......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, art, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member My Garden of Joy
...I remember, I remember my garden of joy, It gave me great happiness when I was a boy ......Read the rest...
Categories: discus, poetry,
Form: ABC

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