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Daisy Poems - Poems about Daisy

Daisy Poems - Examples of all types of poems about daisy to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for daisy.
Premium Member daisy light
Daisy became a daisy light at midnight She was a godsend to this reader, Willam White During the day she kept him clean At nighttime he read books easily seen...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, books,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Daisy Dance
Black umbrella full of blue rain Disenchanted fella jilted Bella Red heavy hearts full of pink pain Not going to be together no forever Is it better to have Lily loved and lost To feel like a flower basking in...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, anxiety, appreciation, bird, blue,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Odd Petaled Daisy
a chance meeting digits fleeting each I could recall days so lazy odd petaled daisy I gave you a call from one hello how would I know in love I would fall would not our fate cooperate you loved me not at all fifty Summers passed they seemed...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, flower, friendship, love,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Daisy chains
I wish to inhabit a place where daisies flourish in golden fields, allowing me to create chains from my brown hair and roam freely amidst the delightful fragrance of summer days. I seek love from...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, depression, happiness, inspirational love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Holiday Limericks
The thought of holidays makes me crazy; If not planned well we will become lazy. My mom’s face turns very red, Seeing me always in bed. She wants me to be like a fresh daisy! All work and no...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, 5th grade, crazy,
Form: Limerick

To Daisy
When the world seems to me an unbearable place And troubles weigh too heavily on my shoulders And try as I may there can be found no solace For my pain, my anguish, and my sorrow to soothe;...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, depression, inspiration, true love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jack
Jack went up the hill With lady Daisy for a thrill He was injured you see She got skin in her teeth Jack got divorced from Jill ...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, art, funny love, poetry,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Daisy Darkness
midnight was glowing in recall of antique gold huge yellow daisy pleasures we once knew when dusk daisy glowed redly twirl memory lane golden onyx dark shrouding melancholy moon awakens rapture...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, beautiful, flower, life, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Ode to a Painted Daisy
I grew up surrounded by bright flowers, my mom had a pretty cottage garden; of vibrant blooms going on all summer, my favorite was the Painted Daisy! With lovely feathery green fern-like leaves, multi-color petals and gold centers, sparkling in the...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, flower,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Daisy a Day - Gotta Love
" Definitions: Delineating Means: Depicting or describing. Deify Means: Adoration or exaltation for a beloved." - Oxford Dictionary - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darling, desire dominates dearest dreams. Daydreams discover...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, devotion,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member daisy strawberry cake
I am going to put these daisies right into the icing she said I thought she had injured her dendrites inside her sweet head Also pushing in these half strawberries, this cake will be a delight. It was...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, food,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member thrilled with daisy
Fuzzy black and yellow bumbebee Found a pretty daisy at his knee Said to his friends and family three I am thrilled to find this gorgeous daisy...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member sitting side by side in daisy chairs
Janet did not know how well her boyfriend would do with her daughter. She kept them separate until she was sure he might be “the one”. Daisy, at four, did not need to fall in love with...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Daisy
Rapturous petals always reflect the immortal,fiery light. The impregnable,potent snowstorm abides in the passing rainbow. The symphonic melody of the past blooms like a delightful creek. Every step in this tough, rocky road is watered by agonizing tears. It enfolds the undying, unrelenting sun. Its solace is...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lilac Daisy
Samantha knew the fragrance instantly it was her favorite scent in month of May a lilac daisy grinned at her nodding its petals, in time to the music of life...Read the rest...
Categories: daisy, flower,
Form: Free verse

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