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Contradiction Poems - Poems about Contradiction

Contradiction Poems - Examples of all types of poems about contradiction to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for contradiction.
The contradiction of feelings!!
Yeah, I don't like you! Is that why I help you with your assignments? Yeah, I don't like you! Is that why I get mad over you for silly reasons? Yeah, I don't like you!...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, best friend, character, crush,
Form: Free verse
The Needed Contradiction, Part II
...I think the counterbalance is our craving for community, and not the local government, no, the things we enter freely. I’m talking about your neighbors, your churches and your civic clubs, things we build in the private space, where you hang out...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, community, freedom, humanity, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme

The Needed Contradiction, Part I
I see a contradiction that grows clearer with each passing day, once I think we all one know, once saw as just part of the game, a dynamic state of tension that we should hope is not resolved, for that be...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, community, freedom, humanity, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Fire of Obvious Contradiction Love
A question eats my soul Everything is relative Or is everything of absolutes? Because everything is together If happiness or sadness are transitory. In the passing of the hot time of love, it should be heal? If only and...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, angst, baby, crazy, cute
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Contradiction of the Cross
Vile instrument of death and shame on which Christ hung taking our blame. His death purchased eternal life for those ensnared by sin and strife. Like Moses’ serpent on a pole those doomed to die from death He stole. That...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, allusion, christian, death, jesus,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Cat Contradiction
There’s a kitty I have that is white. When I pet him, he purrs with delight. Then directly he goes with his mouth to my nose and with tiny sharp teeth gives a bite! Nov 5, 2022 For Tania Kitchin's A...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, cat,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Minus Queen Times Covid Nineteen
U K minus queen, where All's not as it seems; the crowds Will Gather, there will be much piety and blather, shoulders To be rubbed, as people dive into the hub-bub at...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, absence, analogy, conflict, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
Leave I needed to leave but I didn't know how I felt like a kid afraid of a mouse I had not yet built another house but I needed to leave so I cried my way out... I needed to leave not easy decision but I...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, adventure, america, break up,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Prediction Contradiction
'Experts' assured us the Cold War was over that Russia’s a bit player now My hat’s off to them: We’ve got a Hot War brewing ~ ...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, international, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Contradiction
Contradiction (naga uta poem) in this rural place forest once ever so deep- one needs to destroy acres of trees to create a stronger living signal… the moon and stars scrutinize © Harry J Horsman 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, angst,
Form: Verse
Sunday Contradiction
Beware of the erect preacher For he is hell bent to get inside you!...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, betrayal, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Mr Contradiction
By definition, Mr. Contradiction asserts the contrary or deny the truth of something. He admittedly is hypocritical and controversial, and most often, he refuses to surrender. He fights until only death or doom defeats him....Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, america, change, community, courage,
Form: Personification
Premium Member A Visit To Contradiction Cafe
Their reserved table was already in use and their solid chair backs were so loose This refined gentleman diner felt quite rough as his tenderloin steak was extremely tough His wife’s jumbo shrimp portion’s so small maybe the huge serving...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, food, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Simple Contradiction Maybe
I now live, what I've lived before... Only now it's different... that I do fitter now of what I did before... or do worse what I didn't learn... If I do it right, I shorten my life, if I do the worst, I...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, allegory, allusion, analogy, extended
Form: Light Verse
Civil War? How can that be? I am 19, in green, surrounded by others, all green Scared, afraid to show it, shaking beneath this garb In my head this question runs round and round How can war be civil,...Read the rest...
Categories: contradiction, anxiety, conflict, military,
Form: Free verse

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