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Best Narrative Poems

Below are the all-time best Narrative poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of narrative poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Where the Sycamore Grew

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Categories: autumn, family, house, life,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Will You Tie My Shoes When I Grow Old
You were beautiful, 
my tiny child, 
wrapped tightly in my arms, 
close to my heart.
I listened to you breathing.
I counted your fingers
and your toes.

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Categories: caregiving, childhood, daughter, growing
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Shadow
It was a glorious summer day and I woke up with the lark
Got my wheelchair ready and then headed to the park
I noticed a girl...

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Categories: dog, memory, soldier, war,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Past-Life Nightmare
A child of four suffers recurring dreams,
disturbing parents and siblings with screams.
When she awoke, always sore in one knee;
next to a birthmark, it throbbed painfully.


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Categories: autumn, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Love In the Silence of the Soul
As a young boy
Sitting in a pew
The winter darkness pressing down
Candlelight waves from hidden drafts
Shadows danced on the walls

I heard the words destined to me

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Categories: death, love, sorrow,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member John Lennon
On the day 
that John Lennon died, 
people were just going 
about their business 
as they did every day. 

Mark David Chapman 
was reading 
Catcher In The Rye 
void of his holy self.

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Categories: music,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Clouds

*The Voice*
God, can I hold your hand and follow you?

"God's voice"
My child, it is I who will walk with you! You walked down...

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Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Dance To Love - POTD - A Visual Art Poem Tribute
 POTD 23rd June 2019

Maria Williams 

Dance to Love

A tribute to my Dad, the late - Wilfred Forbes

She danced with wild abandon
she danced without a...

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Categories: romantic, tribute,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Enchanted Forest
The woods were silent except for the shifting 
soft sounds of his hooves as they fell upon 
the forest floor. There he stood amid the...

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Categories: adventure, fairy, fantasy, horse,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Survivors Guilt
It's been ten long years now since that awful tragedy
When a stranger I didn't know, gave his life to save me
I was on the edge...

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Categories: death, grief, how i
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Land of the Midnight Sun
I went cruising to Norway with my wife across the North Sea
We travelled the route the Vikings took but with added luxury
Our first port of...

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Categories: boat, friend, holiday, sea,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Homecoming
It was in late October in the year nineteen seventy three
That the war in South Vietnam was finally over for me
I boarded the seven o...

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Categories: america, father, home, mother,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Walk Tall
I was born and raised in a little town by the name of Calder
That was just twenty miles south of the Canadian border
As a boy I...

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Categories: america, death, drink, drug,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Once Upon A Time In Milton Creek
The sun was rising high in the east over the town of Milton creek
It was the eighteenth day of December, the start of Christmas week

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Categories: america, anniversary, christmas, remember,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member FOREVER ADELINE - Narrated by Poetry Soup Poet - SAM SCOTT


A big thank you Sam Scott from our Poetry Soup Community,
for your splendid narrative contribution.

A story of unrequited love that...

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Categories: lost love, romantic,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs