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Best Jackknifed Poems

Below are the all-time best Jackknifed poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of jackknifed poems written by PoetrySoup members

The Trucker
Miles of roads while blowing horns 
tiresome bodies their eyes are sore,
Trying to reach a rest stop to avoid 
a jackknifed load.

Hauling the necessities to...

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Categories: jackknifed, adventure, business, jobs, work,
Form: Narrative

Forever Awakening From Deep Sleep
Unshakeable groggy state
plagues mein kampf
impossible mission to awaken
this comatose zombie
drugged horror - by potent

self manufactured narcotic -
oppressive tantalizing
nightmares indistinguishable
when supposedly conscious,
eyes cannot differentiate

dusky "reality" from

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Categories: jackknifed, absence, bereavement, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Hello There Carrot Top
Because of a jackknifed tractor-trailer up ahead,
vehicles on this highway has been stopped cold dead.
The radio traffic report came on a little late.
That is the...

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Categories: jackknifed, adventure, girlfriend-boyfriend, social, ,
Form: Rhyme
The Insignificance of Man
Blunt deadly weapons of mass destruction
electrify, fracture, and
jeopardize *****Sapiens
species (and entire biosphere)
continuity rent asunder

doomsday declared (nuclear winter
gallows humor spelt
with eternal snow day)
dystopian authors outflanked

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Categories: jackknifed, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Wearing Facemasks Doth Dehumanize Socialization
Understandable... the sensible
(three ringed circuitous) logic
to trumpet necessity
each individual moost heed
bedecking, cloaking donning,
ludicrous interloper facial covering,
(I prefer sporting
latest custom made
invisible máscaras faciales),
when commingling amidst madding...

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Categories: jackknifed, 12th grade, caregiving, heaven,
Form: Dramatic Verse

March 8th International Women's Day the World Over
March 8th - International Women's Day The World Over

Down to the wire, before this
calendrical occasion doth expire,
though arbitrary twenty four hour
time set aside for guide

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Categories: jackknifed, appreciation, beauty, daughter, hero,
Form: Elegy
A Trite Nihilistic Occasion - Part One
This doodling Yankee (boot noah dandy) 
doth newt lack chutzpah, 
tries to finagle Fitbit fitting figurative footwear, 
that ideally Fitzhugh 
like custom made glove snugly,...

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Categories: jackknifed, deep, earth, fantasy, goodbye,
Form: I do not know?
At the Mercy of Anticipatory Anxiety, Hence
At the mercy of anticipatory anxiety, hence...
viz hitted courtesy debilitating panic attacks

Upon waiting for vehicular repair 
today November 19th, 2019 at:

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Categories: jackknifed, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Epic Hunt
This is Epic!
an epic adventure
a moment of truth
a wild ride
Oh My God!
sliding on ice
still moving, still moving
every moment counts
right into the belly of the beast

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Categories: jackknifed, adventure, humorous, nature, surreal,
Form: Free verse
Mine Mean Mien Hence Deserved Cross To Bare
Mine Mean Mien, Hence Deserved Cross To Bare

Upon reflection of fatherhood,
onset of hands-on schooling 
fraught with narcissism
a role I lept in unaware 
with slim success

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Categories: jackknifed, addiction, age, appreciation, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Marooned On An Island of Nihilism
After a lifetime
(pronounced like millennium),
where tenacity futilely braced
psyche deeply purpled,
hellishly, and lethally
traced resulting scars -
jackknifed, emasculated
cruelly chaste

sexuality expired, lapsed,
and petered out testosterone
begone to waste,
and how...

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Categories: jackknifed, absence, abuse, allusion, angst,
Form: Blank verse
I Espouse Playing the Baiting Game With the Missus
(which above frolicsome gambit I mastered)
After mine wife
asks for this, that
or something else rife
with intent to provide barrel of laughs,
(likened to barrel of monkeys)
yours truly...

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Categories: jackknifed, adventure, character, engagement, games,
Form: Free verse
Whit Wet Vetted Splendour
Whit wet Vetted Splendour...

Pervaded mounded jeweled ground
gunmetal sky incessantly
pelted and did pound
asper staccato round

arhythmic, emphatic, melodic sound
to this clown,
who felt housebound
as precipitation reigned down.

steady rain...

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Categories: jackknifed, absence, adventure, analogy, death,
Form: Free verse
Roman a Clef Tragicomedy
Roman à clef tragicomedy...
overlaid with façade of fiction = Mein Kampf

in summer re:
typed out during winter of my discontent,
when yours truly no spring chicken
stirred ruse...

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Categories: jackknifed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
At the Mercy of Interminable Anticipatory Anxiety, Hence
At the mercy of interminable anticipatory anxiety, hence...

viz hitted courtesy debilitating 
one after another panic attack
analogous being bombarded with flak
worse fate then death
or being tortured...

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Categories: jackknifed, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs