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Best Halls Poems

Below are the all-time best Halls poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of halls poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member To Those That Have Walked Dark Halls of Deepest Grief
To Those That Have Walked Dark Halls Of Deepest Grief

Truth of deep grief and its healing powers;
Are not in the anguish pains that invade,
With the...

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Categories: halls, death, deep, family, feelings,
Form: Sonnet
Empty Halls of Blank

      Oh the many souls who stagger

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Categories: halls,
Form: Lyric
Deck the Halls
Christmas lights are blinkin',
Glowin' and a'twinklin',
Hang the Yuletide Holly...
It's hard to sleep tonight!

Christmas cards we're writin',
Oh, it's so excitin',
Hang up all the Stockings...
It's hard to...

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© Dan Cwiak  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: halls, anxiety, celebration, christmas, holiday,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Deck the Halls
Deck the Yuletide Halls

Winter’s bounty of floral beauty ever blooms through snowy nights
 Even when nature wears a mantle bold stitched of frosty weather

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Categories: halls, christmas, flower, joy, light,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Dark Halls
these corridors 
echoed with life
a citadel for restoration
of body and mind
a bastion of promise
for the tormented
to the outside world
it had many names
Forest Lawn Sanitarium
was its...

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Categories: halls, betrayal, death, horror, mental
Form: Free verse
Halls of Souls Left Empty
I can hear your voice
It still echo's deep in my mind.
I walk alone
As my soul searches through this endless time.
Now that I have finally found...

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Categories: halls, devotion, hope, loss, lost
Form: Verse

The Halls of Middle School
The shuffling of feet scattered in the hallways,
Wooden and metal desk and yellow pencil shavings,
The bell sounds when each class ends

I hear laughter,
I see unfamiliar...

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Categories: halls, school
The Halls of Hell
Deep in the darkest halls of hell
The air is thick and black as night
The ravens crow is only heard
To mark a death or a dying...

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Categories: halls, analogy, evil, fantasy, horror,
Form: Ballad
Hospital Halls and Walls
I catch a fleeting glimpse of her room from the hall,
my back slams lightly against the wall,
slumping listlessly, my anger out of control.
As she lies...

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Categories: halls, lifeanger, universe,
Form: Tyburn
Premium Member The Reflecting Halls of Meiosis
He speaks an uncomplex language,
a simpler time and all the more better
for he to not contemplate the ways of the Sun -
revolving around in his...

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Categories: halls, mythology, romance, sun,
Form: Free verse
Marble Halls
I dreamed I dwelt in marble halls,
With servants and helps and slaves and all.
Silver cutlery, mahogany furniture and cedar floors,
I dreamed that man and beast...

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Categories: halls, love, me, me,
Form: Verse
Fleeing These Halls
In this sweet little pig pen
Walls that once were friends
And bold shields 
For lounge room warriors
Now barricade 
Detain indefinitely, denying
Beyond them imaginings
For ravenous captives
With restless...

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Categories: halls, adventure, freedom, growing up,
Form: Free verse
Deck the Halls For Christmas Carols Contest
Deck the halls with photos of me
I know you miss me
I miss you too
But I am always there
Always watching you from above

We have memories of...

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Categories: halls, absence, bereavement, christmas, grief,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Walls Halls and Balls
Trump says Biden old for President
Trump looks far older, quite evident
He’s not glued together guys
Bags of spuds under his eyes
Syrup in orange hair definite.

Walks through...

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Categories: halls, golf,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member I Roam and Haunt the Halls of the Castle
I weep as I haunt the ruins of this castle

once a handmaiden, then the king’s mistress.

lavished in silks, gold, and silver tassel,

envy, pierced well born...

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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: halls, murder, sorrow, wine, woman,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things