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Best February Poems

Below are the all-time best February poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of february poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member - February -
The ground is chained in frozen iron
Snow crystals glued on pine cones
Overhangs embroideries of polished ice
The wind shakes and shatters them into millions of pieces


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Categories: beauty, february,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member I am February
Fierce am I, and fearless
Challenging the shades of winter
Taunting its dreaded demise
Mocking the shadow's prognostication
Tickling the timid hearts
Of somnambulant lovers
Arising to a chilling challenge
I stand...

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Categories: february,
Form: Free verse
When February Feels Like May
When February feels like May
And skies are blue instead of gray,
We flock outdoors, but do not know
Which way our clothing needs to go.

Winter jacket? Much...

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Categories: february,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member February Feints
February Feints

February creeps across the mud
knowing it is not her milieu
as she tats snowflakes
as she scatters them
on freshly chilled winds.


submitted to – STANDARD CONTEST NO...

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Categories: february,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Statuary Gray
Winter whitewashes Autumn's array,
but you're confident Spring will soon show.
Yet, as Winter buries Fall's decay,
depression deepens like falling snow.

Snow-laden trees, like sculptures of clay,
stand as...

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Categories: depression, february, how i
Form: Quatrain

I hate the cold weather, whether to say the least,
the cold weather hates me, i slipped and fell last week,
plus the warm weather's better, i'd...

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© Key V.  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: autumn, december, february, funny,
Form: Free verse
A Bloody Rose
Roses here, Roses there,
bloody roses everywhere.

February brings them to our life,
while others hide a broken wife.

Young girls dream of their shining white knight,
when do you...

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Categories: february, allusion, anger, baby, beautiful,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member Waiting In the Wings
Sunlight weaves between the
bones of skeletal trees.
And a web of shadows
dance with each feisty breeze.

A silver sky shimmers
like cheap carnival glass.
Yet, the fickle sunlight's
too weak...

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Categories: february, imagery, nature, spring,
Form: Quatrain
This Beautiful
This Beautiful

close your eyes now and dream of lands
we'll build our future upon those sands
open your ears now and let me whisper
let me tell you...

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Categories: beautiful, february, love, romance,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Element of Water-Bearer
Unorthodox, this water- bearer rules,
an Aquarian god moody yet calm in the
face of persistent winds…his pail of wine
gushing on mouths of February streams,
like an outpour...

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Categories: character, february, mystery,
Form: Free verse
March Days
The windy days of March come and go,
Memories of marriage and children.

Birthdays for the month of March,
Celebrations with balloons, cake and presents.

Happy Birthday to a...

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Categories: february, appreciation, beauty, blessing, family,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The First Six Months
The First Six Months

     January, you remind me to close the door to yesteryear 
     And to...

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Categories: april, february, january, june,
Form: Free verse
Queen of the Turf
There it was gazing up – radiant – 
radiating kaleidoscope silver green;
sharp with life, ready and expectant.

Spreading its claim, pressing out the grass,
was a thistle...

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Categories: creation, environment, february, flower,
Form: Terzanelle
Premium Member Winter Crystal
sunlit icicles drip like moments leaving us
       the naked splash of frigid water

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Categories: environment, february, image, light,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Anon
With not a single hobby, 
and precious few friends, 
Time has too much time on its hands. 

For its appointments it arrives early,
always much too...

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Categories: age, february, how i
Form: Personification

Book: Shattered Sighs