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Humorous Beauty Poems

These Humorous Beauty poems are examples of Beauty poems about Humorous. These are the best examples of Beauty Humorous poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Poor Me
Poor Me
Miracle Man

Her name was Elisabeth, but I called her “lizzy”
and each time I saw her my head became dizzy.
Her beautiful smile,
would often beguile,
she had...

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: 10th grade, beauty, girl,

Premium Member Beyond The Vast Ocean's Kingdom
Beyond the Vast ocean's kingdom
lies a splendid land without boredom;
there this wandering boy discovered real joy,
stumbling on beauty that defined harmony! 

Other kids spent their...

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Categories: beauty, character, desire, joy,

Absolute deafening silence
Absolute deafening silence...

during and after a moderate snowfall
today January 19th, 2024,
within Southeastern Pennsylvania
and elsewhere across the Eastern Seaboard,
whereby blanket of whiteness
muffles sounds of civilization.

I hate...

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Categories: beauty, adventure, age, angel, appreciation,

Healthy Senior

My mother used to feed me to grow up big and strong
Cauliflower and broccoli, some foods that taste so wrong
How could anyone believe that...

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Categories: age, beauty, body, hope,

Fox Cubs and Foxgloves
Mother was away, plucking hens
So I got my mead, in the special hip flask
Sat by the fence, just by the green
Time slipped along, Ken joined...

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Categories: beauty, drink, friendship, funny,

Her teeth are false, her hair, a wig
             Not sure about…., but they...

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Categories: beauty, humor, humorous, love,

Premium Member The Charm of Beautiful Women
I had leaned on the bar of the balcony, when suddenly
My eyes and my mind have captured, from far away
A silhouette creeping down the steps...

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Categories: beauty, flower, heaven, hyperbole, imagery,

Premium Member Illusion of Love: Tale of Deception and Regret
In a realm where love's illusion played its game,
A young and handsome man sought a heart to claim.
He danced on promises of love's sweet embrace.

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, beauty, humorous, sweet

I Am Ill Eke Quipped To Dusk Hoover Dawn Ting Task of Badinage
I am ill eke quipped to dusk hoover dawn ting task of badinage

Indentured gumption forsaken 
courtesy each pulled wisdom-tooth
this hug gust aspiring writer..., albeit youth

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Categories: beauty, 12th grade, adventure, appreciation,

Premium Member Chapter 33 -- Delilah Damian and Damian Junior Makes Three
The ambulance ride only lasted
For 10 minutes.
Delilah was in Labor now
Experiencing strange labor
Sensations. They were orgasms
Dolly didn't want to admit that.
Most of both families swept...

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Categories: beauty, birth, birthday, blessing,

A Porcelain Delight
Her gentle features, delicate 

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Categories: beauty, humorous, love, love

Traversing Cyberspace Hinterland
Of thee virtual netherland...
courtesy one spellbound wordsmith
within apartment b44
nestled within a manor
(and manner of writing)
atop nondescript Schwenksville highland.

All gibbets zing aside
I got noose for you,

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Categories: adventure, beauty, care, creation,

Premium Member A Fleece of Beauty
there was a sheep with wool black and white
whose peers thought him a horrible sight
but with a wild price increase
for his exotic, chic fleece
he was...

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Categories: beauty, animal, humorous,

Premium Member Oversleeping Beauty
catatonic overgrowth crept back in ~ the prince seen her hirsute chin

David Kavanagh...

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Categories: beauty, confusion, fantasy, humorous,

Bar None No Shortage of Soap Shampoo, Nor Detergent
Bar none, no shortage of soap shampoo, nor detergent

Courtesy food pantries
Saint Eleanor's Saint Mary's,
Our Daily Bread,
the missus and yours truly (her spouse)
well stocked with good...

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Categories: adventure, appreciation, beauty, care,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things