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Antipodean Poems - Poems about Antipodean

Antipodean Poems - Examples of all types of poems about antipodean to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for antipodean.

Premium Member Day Slides Away
...Day slides away unspoken Over the timeless hill Dark oak and ash Stencil the fading light Black flickers of roost-bound rooks Imprint the low sky’s cushion clouds While half a world away God’s......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, beauty, bible, blessing, creation,
Form: Blank verse
Jet Lag
...I hear the term bandied about azure seas, endless beach, Thinking of the far off lands That took days and days to reach. Longing for the tropics, Baffled by the length of flight, To finally ......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, flying, time, travel,
Form: Rhyme

...God is met not as an object to be understood, but as a mystery to be loved -attributed to Gregory of Nyssa d. 19 July, 394 Crisp and white underfoot crunching whilst I take out the b......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, allegory, animal, change, england,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Birth To Infinity
...Germ of essence. Human blob. Shattered eggshell to the chicklet hatched. Interlocking family of a kingdom. Beget or begone? Antigone! Pouch bearing mammal with no issue for her milk a plen......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, art, beautiful, beauty, birth,
Form: Prose Poetry
Paean On a Cute Antipodean
...Skype tells me it’s your birthday, Polly Ross, a disembodied message from the ether that nipped me like a redback. “Southern Cross” – remember that? So, hurl it in my teeth, or delete me, tweet......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, romantic, , cute,
Form: Rhyme

Antipodean Autumn
...Riotous, raucous — Rainbow parrots’ feathers fly. Acrobatic clowns Three great crows regard The thrown away takeaway — Keen, sharp, purposeful. Butcherbirds on wire Bowing and fluting in t......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, autumn, bird,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member One Against Many
...The Ancient Mariner of the parliament square Like the mariner he was, a scrawny, skin unfair A loner with a glittering eyes, possibly a bit touched A Clint Eastwood impersonator look, ......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, history, , western,
Form: Rubaiyat
What the Hell It Doesn'T Matter
...What the Hell it doesn't matter it's not like your being battered. Your heart beats faster, your nerves on edge, what the Hell is it doing to your head? Your eyes deceive, you cannot believe, if......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Abc's of Capital Cities
...Athens, quite a place, so full of mythology Buenos Aires, in Argentina, a place I'd love to see Canberra, is just antipodean class Dublin, a pint of Guinness in a glass Edinburgh, the capital......Read the rest...
Categories: antipodean, war,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things