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Anguish Poems - Poems about Anguish

Anguish Poems - Examples of all types of poems about anguish to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for anguish.
The Feast
## The Feast They gather in the shadowed corners of my mind, A ravenous horde, their forms undefined. Not flesh and bone, but whispers sharp and cold, They gnaw at peace, and stories left untold. Doubt, the gaunt hound, with...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, anger, anxiety, depression,
Form: Free verse
Drunk in Sin
They embrace the illusion, loud noises of praise - in lieu of the mirage, I opt for unblemished soul. Hidden symphony conjuring reckless gambit, in the open they unveil their virtuous guise. They are drawn to one...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, mystery, poems, poetess, poetry,
Form: Free verse

You're dying
You're dying.... I'm Cancer, No denying. I'm happy No lying, Years fighting, Years trying, I love that, You're dying....Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, cancer, conflict, dark, endurance,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Dr please listen
Dr please listen Dr. please listen, I'm laid up in this bed and I'm wishin', Hopin' for a doc to come with the vision, To gimme pain meds, the ones I've been missin'. But into the wind, man, I been pissin', Layin' here...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, anger, angst, conflict, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Autumn Anguish
September crashes through the seas, Summer’s depths, carrying my dreams Taking my regrets, with the breeze, Breathing light across the tide’s streams. October paints it’s fierce display, Rusty leaves in stunning outbursts, Trembling hues seem to gently pray. Dancing with autumn’s tranquil...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, angst, autumn, beautiful, muse,
Form: Rhyme

sixtytwosevens or AgodlessElohim
Anointed in Kerosene to confer in agony with ignited desecration of mortal flesh to bone, seared by melting anguish writhe blistering contortions through a suppressed discomfort in furious continual thresh heshers pernicious by physical immolation. Written...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, absence, conflict, death, fire,
Form: Prose Poetry
I could fill a bottle with air, sunken by liquid depression. A matter so densely populated. by false hope and worthless thoughts. I cower to...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, anger, dark, depression, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Our Griefs
Are life’s griefs to stay like set cement? Or drift away, like any passing day? How can I be sure how much to endure? Before I let it go, and let the future flow? With a silent moment’s thought...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, anger, bereavement, depression, endurance,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Turning Point - Coming of Age - Acceptance at Last
("Mrs. It Dances Through It", 2014, original pen and ink) Turning Point - Coming of Age - Acceptance at Last Finally at age 65 I reach a turning point Where a lifetime of doing is seen To be just...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, age, angst, anxiety, perspective,
Form: Free verse
I Suffer
I suffer but nowhere do I suffer least than in a mighty hall of sufferers ...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, truth, wisdom,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member The world watches and waits
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," Israel's war crimes, a brutal truth.. The statistics are glaring and growing more bleak. One thousand Gaze an children killed every week.. Fathers in anguish, mothers drown in their...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, bereavement, children, death, war,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Anguish
Neath bright skies I never mourn When love dies Then anguish born...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, heartbreak,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hidden Anguish
Written: January 21, 2024 ____________________________________ Its lack of meaning is puzzling The smile on my face The pure one...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, analogy, angst, character, loss,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Contemplations
What is this crazy world in which we live Time enough to blame, no time to forgive Mad greed for power has grown out of bounds Caught in a dilemma are moral grounds Ethics as guide, are long dead...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, conflict, confusion, creation, irony,
Form: Couplet
Love's Anguish
Love's anguish painted, depth and detail invisible in museum...Read the rest...
Categories: anguish, feelings,
Form: Monoku

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