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Angelus Poems - Poems about Angelus

Angelus Poems - Examples of all types of poems about angelus to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for angelus.

Premium Member The Origins Of Angelus
Angelus wasn't anyone special. Some might say that he was a loser. He did more than his share of chasing women, and locals claim he was very much the boozer, but despite all of his vulnerabilities, there...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Landing of Autumn
Listen my friends to the bells that tinkle and jankle The early and spontaneous arrival of autumn, It is a painful and unusual surprise for the birds, Which wanted to dawdle among the weak reeds. Tonight, the sun will...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, autumn, emotions, inspiration, nature,
Form: Free verse

Long Angelus Is Silent
A is an E without the O'w someday F'ing comes others upon G loomy days Everything taken but the violence of the purple violent eyes of her own SCREAMS high heart and below oh supreme vowels of ...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Long Angelus Is Silent
A is an E without the O'w someday F'ing comes others upon G loomy days Everything taken but the violence of the purple violent eyes of her own SCREAMS high heart and below oh supreme vowels of ...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, absence, allusion,
Form: Free verse
Angelus Novus
My eyes Inseparably focused On the plain, colorless canvas And yet Still ideating A bright, elucidating palette, The golden curls Falling over the strong, pensive face Shown glancing At something unseen, “Oh,” I wonder, “What might it be that fixates you so?” Do you heed...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, 12th grade, angel, beautiful,
Form: Ekphrasis

Angelus Silesius the Mystical Angel
Angelus Silesius Translations The rose merely blossoms and never asks why: heedless of her beauty, careless of every eye. -Angelus Silesius, loose translation by Michael R. Burch The rose lack reasons and merely sways with the seasons; she has no ego but whoever put...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, angel, bible, christian, devotion,
Form: Epigram
Angelus Ex Amore
Heart beat slows, blood stream flows All the same direction, just as intended, the way life goes Upwards, and downwards, the choice is not our own But in the end, you welcomed me home, and we were...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, absence, soulmate,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Angelus
Angelus wasn't anyone special. Some might say that he was a loser. He did more than his share of chasing women and townsfolk say that he was very much the boozer, but beneath all of his irresponsibility...Read the rest...
Categories: angelus, fantasyfather, me, family, hate,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things