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Amelie Poems - Poems about Amelie

Amelie Poems - Examples of all types of poems about amelie to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for amelie.

Amelie Beth Harris Mcgeehan
Amélie Beth Harris -McGeehan Acknowledgment of birthday gal, whose invaluable priceless worth exceeds more'n a bajillion dollars. First born of Boyce and Harriet (both long since deceased, albeit cremated whereby their ashes - cremains scattered to the four winds) in Paterson,...Read the rest...
Categories: amelie, adventure, age, anniversary, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
My Eldest Sister Amelie Beth
My eldest sister Amélie Beth... ever the amateur family entomologist Upon texting her a picture (countless moments ago since October ninth) unfamiliar delicate looking critter - (seen inside the apartment many times), she quickly identified crane fly agilely affixed to lampshade. I figuratively tip...Read the rest...
Categories: amelie, adventure, autumn, beautiful, brother,
Form: Free verse

Amelie Beth Harris Mcgeehan
Amélie Beth Harris-McGeehan December first 2020 equals thee above named sibling whereby she completed LXIII earth orbits around the sun therefore incumbent upon me (cuz yours truly to wish happy birthday at receiving end of much largesse) to wax poetic regarding beloved sister, which...Read the rest...
Categories: amelie, age, birthday, blessing, celebration,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Dearest Amelie Beth Harris Mcgeehan
Dearest Amelie Beth Harris-Mcgeehan If royalty moost likely spotlight ye would dodge nonetheless anointed, deemed, granted... within humble abode of your lodge most righteous, magnanimous, gracious... among confrère noblesse oblige. Methinks twas foolhardy of me when joost a mere young man (more'n half agoo me...Read the rest...
Categories: amelie, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Stalwart Eldest Sister Amelie
Over saturation with welter weighted Yuletide drenching world, web, wide equal and/or greater effort demands energy tide to global warming, lest apocalypse doth ride high and mighty mandating, inculcating, buoying... pride toward planet Earth, the apathetic, demonic, horrific, plastic... malleable passive can no longer run and...Read the rest...
Categories: amelie, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Political Verse

Amelie Beth Harris Born December 1st Mcmlvii
Amelie Beth Harris - Born December 1st, MCMLVII A bouncing baby girl did await, asper occasion about nine months ex post facto, when vibrant parents ...Read the rest...
Categories: amelie, age, appreciation, bullying, celebration,
Form: Elegy

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry