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Alberto Poems - Poems about Alberto

Alberto Poems - Examples of all types of poems about alberto to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for alberto.
Satchmo's Trumpet - Homage To Louis Armstrong
...From afar a sound of "Blues" so tender Like Satchmo strumming his trumpet His loud voice calling us together Makes me in verses break into yesterday Oh Louis...raise your voice to everyone Mak......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Mulatto the Alligator
...I've heard him sing: The Mulatto: By fat hotter than Roberto Like Pepper is to Pimento; Lost to him, too, one Alberto: The boy friend of Fine Talatu... Alto in all shows he goes to, Even when......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, celebration, creation, devotion, people,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Clerihew Burri
...Doctor Alberto Burri aka an artist to you & me with collage medical in his era so original......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Limerick Collaboration-Join In-New Additions
...If you would like to have your limerick(s) posted, soup mail them to me. Ms. Rude is still writing her snide remarks She sounds like a mad dog who barks and barks Geeze, lady, give it a rest Yo......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, humor,
Form: Limerick
Barnaby's Advice
...Barnaby the Koala has passed away, you see. But his story lives on in the hearts of many. Alberto the Pig needed severe health advice. He went to Barnaby and no longer doubted exercise. Chaq......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, loss,
Form: Rhyme

Inspiring Note of Birthday
...A-mazing L-itterateur B-rilliantly E-mploys R-ighteous T-heme O-f G-reat A-crostic R-egarding B-irthday's I-nspiring N-ote Topic: Birthday of Alberto Garbin, Sr (October 13) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Embracing Liberating Impressions
...Initially, like others, She visualized success, ......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, dream, future, image, innocence,
Form: Verse
Shining Truth
...K-nown R-ighteousness I-n S-hining T-ruth E-xpresses N-o A-bandoned L-ies B-ringing E-xcellent R-eason T-hat O-perates Topic: Birthday of Kristen Alberto (September 07) Form: Vert......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
To Alberto Giacometti: Sculptor and Painter, 1901 To 1966
...they say that life is but a shadow- play, and we mere lines, picked out by the light of day......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, appreciation, creation, light, silence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Too Many Pets
...I’m facing a challenge and I’m taking bets That I can remember the names of my pets There’s Tommy and Jonnie and Sally and Barry The one over there I believe might be Harry Tiddles and Wriggles......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, animal, pets,
Form: Rhyme
Erasing Rainy Time
...A-nother L-ight B-egins E-rasing R-ainy T-ime O-nce I-conic L-oveliness A-ppears O-bviously Topic: Birthday of Alberto Ilao (October 09) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
As Rainy Time Ends
...A-lways L-et B-eacon E-mit R-ays T -o O-bliterate N-ight's O-ld T-wilight A-s R-ainy T-ime E-nds T opic: Birthday of Alberto Notarte, Jr (June 21) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Rain Falling
...Rain Falling By Franklin Price 6/1/2018 Rain falling on the mountains Overcoming you and me Results are running downhill Torrents running to the sea Streams and rivers rising Bringing flo......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, america, analogy, natural disasters,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member On the Cusp of Alberto
...ON THE CUSP OF ALBERTO gray moon’s glazed over beautiful rain dance of clouds — umbrella is closed 5/28/2018......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, weather,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Scariest Stanza In All of Poetry
...Numerous number systems beyond the real: complex numbers, octonions, omnions which can eat whole black holes. It's axiomatic that your personal history, preferences, how you feel account for nothi......Read the rest...
Categories: alberto, business, fish, nature, poetry,
Form: Verse

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