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Addison Poems - Poems about Addison

Addison Poems - Examples of all types of poems about addison to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for addison.
Premium Member Chapter 168--- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLYANNA: Desharah turns 21, this LOVE fest
...October 2051 Damali and Desharah celebrated her birthday with Sedanah Born on the same date one year apart. "Thank you both And thanks Seda for being older than me!" "No problem Cousin. She......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, appreciation, brother, celebration, confidence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 166 --DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANYA: This day!
...September 2051 Damian was awake 7am in his weight room Walking the tread mill. While speaking with one of his employees of his Realty endeavors. "SAY Mike make sure my sure the revenue is he......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, best friend, childhood, color,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Autumn Hearts
... “It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” - Sarah Addison Allen, First Frost September speaks of light and love, everlasting Kindled b......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, appreciation, autumn, heart, inspiration,
Form: Pantoum

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Chapter 162-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The family Activities
...Date: June 2051 Adian Elijah Abbas Ashton and Addison observed the men working On the Waterfalls and grotto. Elliott and Abbas were busy diving Into the pool. Damian was the 2nd Level s......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, absence, allusion, black love,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member needing better ears
...I need better ears, the teen told Les, her inventor daddy. Daddy was a wizard with engineering, so he began a design. He built a hat for his daughter, Addison, whom he called Addie. Now she hears ......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Chapter 157 cont'-- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: CRUEL BALL Competition
...Date: May 2051 The game was just beginning, Sidney Crysteph sat in the announcers Booth with Adonis Kyon Damian And CJ. Ma Lucinda Father Hakim Sat in their own booth. With Mother Dau......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, allusion, beach, birth, deep,
Form: Alliteration
...May 2051 Damali was preparing for the big event Beginning today "12:30 bright and Early like my Dad said". Damali Was thinking. DJ was on video phone Now. "Hey Damali! You know who'll Be......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, absence, allusion, best friend,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Chapter 142 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: Holly's Birthday
...Date: September 2050 Warm end of summer night. Slight Breeze a tease manageable season. Pleasing and within reason. Molly Dolly and Holly tended to Their 4 months old infants with moth......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, best friend, birth, business,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 127 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: the Women's Day With the Hakim Clan
...July 2049 the 13th Dolly and Molly Celebrated their 45th birthday wih Damian and Holly. Today was a pleasant day initially Then it rained and rained. Now, Damian spoke with his brother Sidney ......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, silence,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 123: Damian Delilah Mallory: the Punch Line
...Date: April 2049 11 pm late night paradise. Some are Conspicuously conspiring as to their Next day. Damian's Household now Consisted of his brother Sidney Sidney's wife Saderi their two so......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, beautiful, birth, black love,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 121 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Family's Grand Gathering and Family Rumors
...Date: June 2048 The grills were set everything was In place. CJ informed "More than 350 family members Are expected to be here within The hour." Damian said, "with 300 plus Relatives expe......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, birth, confidence, deep, devotion,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 117 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Celebration of Life Ii --- a Family Affair
...August ushered in a Rain storm lasting 2 days. Damian laid in bed 11 in the night listening to the pouring Rain beside Dolly. He touched Dolly "Come to me Mrs. Me I need you Delilah baby." Dol......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, 9th grade, absence, business,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Chapter 114 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Godfrey and Barrington's Fiesta and Food Reperation Shift
...Damian was on the tele-video conference with various Prestigious Proper people of distinction. The US Vice president was on Skype along With Secretary of State. He spoke With Russia's top dip......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, color, husband,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member The River of Willow
...You entered our lives as a soul of an angel Traveling a distance From the likes of Grange Hill Your health from the beginning Was such a struggle Painful and ill The deadly Parvo wanted t......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, animal, best friend, dog,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 98 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Teenager Invaders Misbehavior
...Late evening March 2045 The Teenagers were adventurous They were venturing. DJ and Damali Trech were both 18 years Old. The Copy Cat Club was the Place to be for teens. It mostly Serve......Read the rest...
Categories: addison, confidence, courage, emotions, father
Form: Alliteration

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry