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Adder Poems - Poems about Adder

Adder Poems - Examples of all types of poems about adder to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for adder.
Premium Member Illusions
... The bloody soul we learn to hate Is not our own nor pain within us The visions of fantasy which we partake Cause violence; man’s weakness, unjust Illusions like the strike of a......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, anger, anxiety, dark, evil,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Snake in the Grass
...If a viper's a snake And an asp's an adder If either one bites you Then what does it matter......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Messenger
... "The Messenger" Love is rich with venom and honey. there was a female ... snake, it watched with green-eyed avarice, covetting a dove’s nest the dove, wa......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, dark, journey, mystery,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Woozy Winter
...white corals around landscapes sparkle in pure white --- adder snakes creep on creepers white furs and sponges ornament the environs --- white fox innocently blinks 10 January 2023......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, winter,
Form: Sedoka
Hidden In Plain Sight
...HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT Some said it was coming, even imminent But it’s actually here now, and for real A New World Order no longer a theory Such that of TV news we should be leery What we think......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, perspective,
Form: Rhyme

Comparing Luther and Mandela
...Shall I forget my asking a brother: “Who of The Two has A Much Taller Order?” And Dairy Hand mishandled An Udder, For round spinning to watch Close Adder… Martin Luther and Nelson Mandela, If ......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, africa, appreciation, black african
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Murder Weapon
...It was a mystery The death of her twin sister Helen became jittery On the manner death had kissed her. These few words sister could only say “It was the speckled band” Before her last......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, murder, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
Psalm 91
...He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the All Mighty, will say to the Lord," My refuge and my and my fortress; my God in whom I trust." For he will deliver......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Tom Turkiye
...Tom had to empty his bladder The path was blocked by an adder "Just Russians" it hissed But Tom never missed And now that adder is madder......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, giggle,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Zoo-Nado
...[Sometimes when I’m struggling to write I scrawl gibberish in the hope that inspiration will lie within. Sometimes, just sometimes… I like the result. This is one such] There’s an ostrich in ......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, humorous, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Madder Than An Adder
...My Fellow Soupers, I rarely get mad anymore, but today I am madder than an adder. Not long ago, an unemployed security guard in Florida accepted an $11/hour job at a company named CIS. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, business, work,
Form: Other
Spell Spiellage
... There’s a wizard in the Ivory House, speaking grandiose The klu is in the bewitching words he spew This be the klux of the matter — See the toxic spiellage vapor wasted ‘pon th......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, allusion, power, symbolism, truth,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Good-N-Plenty
...There's plenty of goodness out there but it's been fanged by the puff adder DJS now goodness is slowly dying on media vines behind boarded up windows and riot fire with pistols and rosaries at t......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, good morning, good night,
Form: Free verse
Blare Witness
... Blow blarney bugle blow The bogus sound waves echo bifurcated notes That hollow sting tone has a subtil serpentine drone Toot the tout timbre tune deceptively Let the stealth vibrati......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, corruption, metaphor, money, truth,
Form: Alliteration
Stolen Beauty
... Stolen waters are sweet as time passes on it stays stale and stinks stink to Its abductor and revenge to its owner her prize he thinks the Temperament, he cannot keep and the hea......Read the rest...
Categories: adder, absence, anger, black love,
Form: Rhyme

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