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Adamantine Poems - Poems about Adamantine

Adamantine Poems - Examples of all types of poems about adamantine to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for adamantine.
Premium Member Resilient Life-Altering Force
... Written: April 6, 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We dwell in the sanctuary of slumber. Where stars fade away, light may encumber. Oh, the comfort found in weak ra......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, analogy, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Tale of the Hero That Fought the Furies
...""AH, but their anger is not a small thing Where their fury demands its own fullness They stink of pain and death, long blacken wings" Their tormenting stings pure hell nothing less."" -- RJL quo......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, creation, dark, faith, history,
Form: Rhyme

They Hide You From Yourself
...Religious dogma, be it any faith, any handed down belief, any once sincere doctrine now has but one purpose and that is to hide God from yourself. By doing so it controls your freedom ......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Eye Light
...That night the lake was riddled with starlight pinioned a million times to the iron face of space The water was so clear it could reflect its own eyes fish-eyes and the drowned watched from its ......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, poetry,
Form: Free verse
...My name is Pérola, born among thorns beneath steely rocks By the great Bay, where its sons harvest fish for the government mint against their sweat The teacher points at my eye for its vile afloat ......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, character, confidence, courage, identity,
Form: Free verse

White Moon
...Have you seen the morning moon? She is not the cold hung rock that swings upon the noose of night that one is a dead face submerged in a sea of darkness. No, that is not her, she is a l......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, poetry,
Form: Free verse
An Ode To the Words
...Oh words, open your gates and relish my thoughts Without your shoulder, my walks are crippled You are the might and the sight of the mind Without you, we are just vacant glitters. Every phantasm ......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, words,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Adamantine
...I'm a lighthouse that has weathered violent storms; A tree still unfelled by the blows of an axe. Despite blows by life's battering ram, I am ... ......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, endurance, faith, strength,
Form: Sapphic stanza
The African Beauty
...Chubby like a new born, Crowned with lustrous black tresses, Dark eyes laced with long lush lashes, Full succulent lips that defies the science of make-up. Her soft ebony skin, deeply oiled, ......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, africa, beautiful, beauty,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rock
...Carbon Torrid Ardent Baking Sweltering Withering Charcoal Graphite Corundum Brilliant Sh......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Diamante
Finally Forgiven
...I watched her flowers wilt- Somber, as my tears were unable to resurrect their perennial luster. My bones brittle under the weight of her cold, and lying smile; I tried to sew my seed. Fool......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, deep, for her, garden,
Form: Free verse
The Price of Valor
...Agony is nigh ever-present in humanity. It is the nefarious antagonist that unabashedly lurks in the shadows; And With detestable malice, it strikes with a hellish wrath. This abhorrent lash i......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, courage, emotions, inspirational, pain,
Form: Free verse
One Stone
...My one and only stone has been broken into two, leaving me breathless- I’m so restless, one turns into a gray boulder, the other granite blue- What’s a lonely girl to do, when she’s rele......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, love hurts,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Reparation - For Memorial Day
...A bent knee ... Cloaked in black nylon, a briny drop from The smooth cheek, contingent baptism For a closed hand, it's precious cargo, Now consecrated by circumstance and Fate, moments befor......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, appreciation, bereavement, grief, loss,
Form: Free verse
A Penny For the Poor
...Fire lets there be light in the wintry ravines that hide between mountains of nickel and iron. Illuminated by spouts of trickling light, you tickle my eyes and rinse my sight in delight. Adaman......Read the rest...
Categories: adamantine, imagery, senses,
Form: Imagism

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