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Acronymic Poems - Poems about Acronymic

Acronymic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about acronymic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for acronymic.

Premium Member W T F W T
... In the slate horizon static like a slab of rooted rock, charcoal clouds clambered from its convolute edge with the storm that rushed with the gruelling gale, carrying the cascade of th......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, feelings, rain,
Form: Free verse
Awkward Alliteration
...Admissible adage abridge archaic ability about Audit acrid admission artistic artificial array Arrive anyplace, anywhere ardent atmosphere attraction Apprehend apiece apparent artless atomic appea......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, allegory,
Form: ABC

Requim For Un
...United Nations, United Nations What an oxymoron! What an oxymoron!! The platitude goes- ‘United we stand’ In the UN, How erect we stand! How erect we stand!! We are *****erectus Aren’t we?......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, sorrow,
Form: Elegiac Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Is- a Terran Serpent
...The fanged serpents are uncoiled And they have encircled the landmass From the Mediterranean to Euphratis and Tigris And Paris They hiss, they hiss. IS is a snake With claims fake Eclipsing ......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, anger, anxiety, death, war,
Form: Verse
Bird Soar
...Once thicket thickened Mossy, leafy Underlay. Chance to catch starling Or barn swallow Amidst slumbering umber. Eyes pinched-- tiny prickles S......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, animals, devotion, love,
Form: Light Verse

...Vicarious Self instructed eyes, bend in to see, The gorged mouths themselves, with the spending. Words "I'm here to watch your nth" heard, "Bring my relief exchange my life with ease." Forth......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, philosophytogether,
Form: I do not know?
...Once thicket thickened, Mossy, leafy Underlay. Chance to catch starling Or barn swallow Amidst slumbering umber. Eyes pinched--tiny prickles-- Sta......Read the rest...
Categories: acronymic, adventure, animals, faith,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things