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Accuse Poems - Poems about Accuse

Accuse Poems - Examples of all types of poems about accuse to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for accuse.

Premium Member Feeling Criminal
She feels your eyes on her like she's a criminal And the feeling is not deemed subliminal Manipulate others to see it your way Minimizing her just makes your whole day What are you...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, age, analogy, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Those Who Irk
Those who make ethnic boxes on forms we must check. Who of those, which are Iranian/Mexican, oh heck. Irk! It's insanity, those who think Jesus loves them most. Long live humanity—Armenia was the first Christian host! There are those...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, allegory, anger, angst, discrimination,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Accuse You She Yelled
I accuse you, she yelled, pointing to those who thought her dead. Cowards, they had sailed away after proving her innocence. Her family was horrified, because now it meant she was a witch. They screamed and ran away,...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Do Not Accuse Until You Know
It was pretty clear from the start That she had stolen my blueberry tart. If that was not bad enough, at the mart, She turned around and hid my cart. My purse was inside, so that made my heart Beat...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Accuse
Accuse me of your own inadequacies Judge me of your own transgressions Condemn me in your outrage hypocrites...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, betrayal, prejudice, society,
Form: Free verse

I Accuse
I accuse Bankers who compulsively their creditors lure Bid them colossal loans and obscure To erect fantasies and a castle in Spain forge Later arise manacled with a dolor mortgage Employees who secretly squeeze through Evacuate their jobs unattended and eschew Occupy...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, abuse, drug,
Form: Rhyme
I Accuse
I accuse ..... Part 3 My elder brother who instilled in me The impetuous rage for music and its ecstasy Let me thrill,bog down in quicksand He commenced imbibing the Holy Koran and understand Parents who pamper their children's avarice Acquire...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, abuse, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
I Accuse
I accuse..... Part 2 My parents who instructed me,and to the letter follow Kneel only to God,to people never my head bow I was next line to promotion yet rebuffed to kowtow Long stagnated and ached my way to...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, abuse, change,
Form: Rhyme
I Accuse
I accuse ..... Part 1 My inner hedonistic self long to villainy inclined Dwelling too long on flamboyance and enshrined A morbid,horrible indeed skirt chaser Endeavoring to beguile women and maneuver Blaming it all on Satan's duplicitous whispers Spurning to...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, abuse, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
I Accuse
for the love of death you try to blind the eyes of god with too many tears forced from the caring hearts of his angels in so, this poet accuses these cowards of hiding behind children these pedophiles without souls and in a universe without hell it is they who create...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, allah, truth, world, universe,
Form: Free verse
I Don'T Accuse
Raise your Hands Voice Belt Shoes Hangers Whatever You get a Hold of Bring it down Hard Fast Repeat Again and Again 'Till we Get it through Our heads Why won't we Listen Stop Calm down Behave Understand Be good for Once We're out of Control Too hard To handle We'll never Understand So you raise Your hand...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, life
Form: I do not know?
Control Or Accuse
Why do I feel these feelings like I do? Did I do something to you? Sometimes the way you act towards me Makes me just want to get up and leave Is this how you want it to be? Is...Read the rest...
Categories: accuse, angst, confusion, lost love,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things