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Academies Poems - Poems about Academies

Academies Poems - Examples of all types of poems about academies to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for academies.

Premium Member Clarion Call
...Hark! The clarion call of enlightenment rings, As education's chrysalis unfurls its wings. Long fettered-by archaic pedagogical chains, We now shed the husk of antiquated refrains. In crucibl......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, education, inspiration, perspective, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Don'T Send Your Kids To College
...They all put so much stress on getting a college degree, and if it’s math or science, I think that I would agree. But in the humanities another trend now appears, kids are taught to hate themse......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, education, growth, how i
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Saw Tomorrow
...I saw tomorrow beckoning us just ahead, and it looks so unlike today. I saw neither evil nor deception blocking our view and standing in the way. I saw no race, no creed, no bad seed or lusty gre......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, bible, christian, peace,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Anonymously Sold
...It happened back in time, quite a long way, Back in the day, as they today like to say: An era when most donations to yeshivas** **Rabbinical academies, often Didn't require much of a man's p......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, appreciation, education, how i
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Alas, That It's Lost
...In a bygone America the First Amendment Was as sacred as a Biblical Commandment: "I disagree with what you say, But your right to say it, I'll defend to the death"-- Rang out the shibbol......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, freedom, political, spoken word,
Form: Rhyme

No Free Lunch
...A scientist pursuing research— with disinterested curiosity, Poets distancing themselves— from personal emotions, from ‘personality’ (in Eliot’s idiolect), A sportsperson focusing on the event— ......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, irony, satire, society,
Form: Free verse
They Think It's All Over
...We haven't won since sixty six, oh the agony, hope and doubt as the World Cup comes around again and on penalties we go out. The game we gave the world to play belongs now to Italy, Spain and ......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, fantasy, football,
Form: Verse
Kare Adenegan
...Kare Adenegan I love the city of Coventry ‘cos it’s disability friendly, Since it houses Great Britain’s national disabled college, As Hereward resides there with insight, policies bendy, To......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, body, courage, desire, race,
Form: Quatrain
The Philosopher's Lament - 1
...As the sun fades o’er the water and birds chatter in the grove, Two old, wrinkled, weary thinkers wander slowly by the cove. Waves advancing and receding from the edges of the sea Bring a bittersw......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, conflict, destiny, history, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Prizes For Ultimate Sacrifices - Part One
...Prizes for Ultimate Sacrifices prizes for the abstemious for abstinence chastity ? the countless occasions for love you let slip ......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, howl, inspirational, metaphor, passion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
War Is On 5
...workers get paid they send their kids to school they learn about wars heroes heroins winners warriors in moral science they send even force their kids to academies of guns bombs and tanks to d......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, allusion,
Form: I do not know?
Flatly Expressed
...In the beginning the world was flat. Nature was magical and that was that. We expressed or selves with cave drawings and cuneiform too Cuneiform was cool because it was new. Later came sand scri......Read the rest...
Categories: academies, artworld, , literature,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry