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Abracadabra Poems - Poems about Abracadabra

Abracadabra Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abracadabra to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abracadabra.
Premium Member Going Home - Abracadabra
My heart strokes the strings of memories, utterly sublime. Alpine trees echo enticing chants to welcome me there. Whirling in spirited hurry, now free from all worry. Anticipation is engrossing my mind, before time. There is magnetism...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, home, mountains,
Form: Rhyme
Abracadabra - It's Magical- Collaboration
A picturesque scene from my window this afternoon. Banishing all greying clouds, the sky is pastel blue. Radiating the sun's rays, rain was not seen for days. Astonishing vibrant rainbow of flowers are strewn. Clusters of marigolds, daffodils...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, allusion,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Abracadabra Day
Forget-me-nots share sighs of For-Heaven-sake's, from boulevards to avenues, the streets -- speak. City park use strengthens, as the day lengthens. Doves charming swarms of drakes, tethering the lakes, while the awesome vision enlightened the crowds, frequent strolls beneath middays...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, life, nature, people, perspective,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Abracadabra
You appear to me like a double edged knife; I pray never be a threat for others’ right! You are my better half, behave not so wild; Do not spoil the serenity of my life! Can’t we live the...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, wife,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Sweet Abracadabra
In my heart you filled the hole where passion is meant to dwell, the sweet Abracadabra of life's magic in my soul coming from the orchestra where dreams abide playing low, swelling into symphony. In my heart it took...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, heartbroken,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member the real and the unreal
A poet paints a leaf greener than it is, a dramatist makes the story more tragic, human nature crave for what unreal gave, ignores reality that may hold more bliss, those large white marble sculptures of long lost kings, are...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, devotion, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Abracadabra Storm
Dread descends in my heart, heaviness smothers the lands. Saturated in darkness, smoky gray clouds boil by. A raging Storm stomping up the dark stairs a'tromping. Thundering foot falls wake me, my attention demands. Painful, sharp...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, abuse, anger, storm, violence,
Form: Rhyme
ABRACADABRA In magic, was this exclamation really used Perhaps it’s another myth to colour the tale All those djinns in bottles, all the magic carpets A time when most believers ended up confused Thinking something unnatural is going on Yet showtime...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, confusion, fantasy, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member ABRACADABRA a SQUIB recitation
I will create as I speak with rimed spontaneity I'll seek...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, word play,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Abracadabra
The secret of life comes at a price Some days are naughty and some days are nice Like a magician wielding illusion Can add to the sense of daily confusion It softens the strain when...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member abracadabra purple doors
"Abracadabra Purple Doors" Abracadabra boo! Coo coo ca choo Candide Diderot. ‘24 Some think abracadabra comes from the Hebrew phrase “ebrah k'dabri,” and means “I create as I speak,'” - while others think it comes from “avra gavra,” an Aramaic...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Midnight abracadabra
Please don’t leave me hanging like that that, I hate to be in suspense, you piqued my curiosity and it’s so intense. Artfully teasing you know how to play, always one step ahead, leaving...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, dream, giving,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Abracadabra Butterfly Oddquain
Breathe drink it in, mind every whisper; With an ‘Abracadabra’ ...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, dream, emotions, feelings, magic,
Form: Other
Abracadabra Scribble
abracadabra put the magic in that bra tiger loves zebra Nonsense scribble for fun....Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, fun, nonsense,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member ABRACADABRA
As part of our Christmas decorations in the bookstore…high upon a shelf tucked into a corner…we have placed our Christmas elf. And high above the books themselves…it is also worth noting are some Harry Potter candles…that look as...Read the rest...
Categories: abracadabra, christmas, magic,
Form: Rhyme

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