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Cover Eyes

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Oh I remember when I thought I was in control and could see Then the Lord showed me How blind I was not being free Now that He has opened my eyes I want to cover my eyes And just listen to His voice For mostly everything else Is a bunch of clanging noise This is for fun I could not resist this picture But indeed this is how I feel in the deception Of all that is going on around us that many can't see To much division and religions to adapt to mankind The gospel was not intended to pick and choose To accommodate the corrupt ways of man But to separate one from their old self and evil desires Their lustful hearts and minds, To be changed with the spirit from Christ Into a new creation with new mind and hearts Purified of all impurities so He might reign within The gospel of Paul living in the spirit Should be what one shall aim for To have instilled those thoughts and spirit But I understand we must all try our way first Hopefully it does not go so good you become Your own shrine to give praise I thought my life was going good Until I began to read the words of Jesus for myself Then I was in awe of what's going on

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/11/2023 6:43:00 AM
Stephan, wonderful writing, so much emotion and pain in your words! I think in this life we can only control ourselves, the serenity prayer inspires me, when I am lost in this world, " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. It was written by Reinhold Niebuhr. Don't close your eyes for God has given us great beauty to behold, Constance
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McBride  Avatar
Stephan McBride
Date: 1/11/2023 7:05:00 AM
Amen, indeed my friend there are to many that just needs to hear of His this love for them, it just saddens me to see all the chaos going on that could be changed in a moment, He did not put life within us to not tell of His Greatness, sometimes I am just in awe of how much truth is in His word of what's going on within us and outside world, it's so plain but God has to reveal this to separate us from our old self first and receive His spirit to guide ,May God bless, comfort, guide and fill you with His peace, love and joy in abundance
Date: 1/10/2023 6:18:00 PM
"To be changed with the spirit from Christ Into a new creation with new mind and hearts Purified of all impurities so He might reign within "! Yes, this is what the Lord wants us to be..... a new creation. When you thought you were OK, God showed how blind you are. When He opened your eyes, you want to close it to estrange yourself from the attractions of the world and listen to him ..... Such sublime thoughts...Stephan. Into my Fave.
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McBride  Avatar
Stephan McBride
Date: 1/10/2023 6:32:00 PM
Amen, valsa, all glory to God, yes indeed to see all the deception around us throws me into awe , we need more seeking His word to live within them, the mindset of most are just being good to God for going to church hopefully the preacher reads you a verse this week ,that last in hope of another week,,. We need the spirit and word living within to reveal all the deception and evil around us,,,. To mold and purify one into a Child of God to give glory to God which raised us from death : ). I appreciate all your great spirit filled comments, it's a blessing to be a part of this journey with you

Book: Reflection on the Important Things