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Famous Weasel Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Weasel poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous weasel poems. These examples illustrate what a famous weasel poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...on back.
He was sich a sly ole limb,
Traps was jes' lak fun to him.
Now, down neah whah Mistah Bah
Lived, dey was a weasel dah;
But dey was n't fren's a-tall
Case de weasel was so small.
An' de bah 'u'd, jes' fu' sass,
Tu'n his nose up w'en he 'd pass.
Weasels 's small o' cose, but my!
Dem air animiles is sly.
So dis hyeah one says, says he,
"I 'll jes' fix dat bah, you see."
So he fixes up his plan
An' hunts up de fa'merman.
When de fa'mer see him come,
He 'm...Read more of this...
by Laurence Dunbar, Paul

...don't you know -- 
Ryan was "wanted" for stealing sheep, 
And never a trooper, high or low, 
Could find him -- catch a weasel asleep! 
Till Trooper Scott, from the Stockman's Ford -- 
A bushman, too, as I've heard them tell -- 
Chanced to find him drunk as a lord 
Round at the Shadow of Death Hotel. 
D'you know the place? It's a wayside inn, 
A low grog-shanty -- a bushman trap, 
Hiding away in its shame and sin 
Under the shelter of Conroy's Gap -- 
Under the shade of t...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...and flowed from shape to shape,
First as a raven on whose ancient wings
Scarcely a feather lingered, then you seemed
A weasel moving on from stone to stone,
And now at last you wear a human shape,
A thin grey man half lost in gathering night.

Druid. What would you, king of the proud Red Branch kings?

Fergus. This would I say, most wise of living souls:
Young subtle Conchubar sat close by me
When I gave judgment, and his words were wise,
And what to me was burde...Read more of this...
by Yeats, William Butler
...y breaks open

Its fans around him and shimmers
And into its northern gates he rises

Snarling complete in the joy of a weasel
With an elk's horned heart in his stomach
Looking straight into the eternal
Blue, where he hauls his kind. I would have it all

My way: at the top of that tree I place

The New World's last eagle
Hunched in mangy feathers giving

Up on the theory of flight.
Dear God of the wildness of poetry, let them mate
To the death in the rotten branches,
...Read more of this...
by Dickey, James, as one 
That smells a foul-fleshed agaric in the holt, 
And deems it carrion of some woodland thing, 
Or shrew, or weasel, nipt her slender nose 
With petulant thumb and finger, shrilling, 'Hence! 
Avoid, thou smellest all of kitchen-grease. 
And look who comes behind,' for there was Kay. 
'Knowest thou not me? thy master? I am Kay. 
We lack thee by the hearth.' 

And Gareth to him, 
'Master no more! too well I know thee, ay-- 
The most ungentle knight in...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

...d eyes opened on a new, sweet world.

[Bass drum louder.]

Drabs and vixens in a flash made whole!
Gone was the weasel-head, the snout, the jowl!
Sages and sibyls now, and athletes clean,
Rulers of empires, and of forests green!

[Grand chorus of all instruments. Tambourines to the foreground.]

The hosts were sandalled, and their wings were fire!
(Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?)
But their noise played havoc with the angel-choir.
(Are you washed ...Read more of this...
by Lindsay, Vachel
and bush with the exact word. 
Beyond the fence the sparse wood Yields; 
light enters; nighthawk, owl, 
and weasel have fled. To know 
the complete absence of fear, 
not to fear what is not there 

becomes the end, the last brute 
quiver of instinct. One moves, 
or tries to move, among facts, 
naming one's self and one's acts 
as if they were real. Dead leaves 
cling to the branch, and the root 
grips to endure, but no cry 
questions the illusion of sk...Read more of this...
by Levine, Philip
...patterns on a page,

Vertical words and snips of scores just make me rage.

Is Thom Gunn really the age-old sleaze-weasel Andrew Duncan says?

Is Tim Allen right to give Geraldine Monk an eleven page review?

At least they care for poetry to give their lives to it

As we do, too.

My syntax far from perfect, my writing illegible

But somehow I’ll get through, Bloodaxe and Carcourt 

May jeer but an Indian printer’s busy with my ‘Collected’

And, Calcutta typesetters ...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry
...ith the Frog bless God for the meadows of Canaan, the fleece, the milk and the honey. 

Let Hilkiah praise with the Weasel, which sneaks for his prey in craft, and dwelleth at ambush. 

Let Job bless with the Worm -- the life of the Lord is in Humiliation, the Spirit also and the truth. 

Let Elihu bless with the Tortoise, which is food for praise and thanksgiving. 

Let Hezekiah praise with the Dromedary -- the zeal for the glory of God is excellence, and to ...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher> 

Let Eglah rejoice with Phalaris who is a pleasant object upon the water. 

Let Haggith rejoice with the white Weasel who devoureth the honey and it's maker. 

Let Abital rejoice with Ptyas who is arrayed in green and gold. 

Let Maacah rejoice with Dryophyte who was blessed of the Lord in the valley. 

Let Zabud Solomon's friend rejoice with Oryx who is a frolicksome mountaineer. 

Let Adoniram the receiver general of the excise rejoice with Hypnale ...Read more of this...
by Smart, Christopher
...hrice he leaped, and lo! above him
Broke the shattered sky asunder,
And he disappeared within it,
And Ojeeg, the Fisher Weasel,
With a bound went in behind him!"
"Hark you!" shouted Pau-Puk-Keewis
As he entered at the doorway;
"I am tired of all this talking,
Tired of old Iagoo's stories,
Tired of Hiawatha's wisdom.
Here is something to amuse you,
Better than this endless talking."
Then from out his pouch of wolf-skin
Forth he drew, with solemn manner,
All the game of...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...t, and

tiny scribbled little shrew ****, whale **** (what
a sight, deep assumption), mandril **** (blazing
blast off), weasel **** (wiles' waste), gazelle ****,

magpie **** (total protein), tiger **** (too acid
to contemplate), moral eel and manta ray ****, eerie
shark ****, earthworm **** (a soilure), crab ****,

wolf **** upon the germicidal ice, snake ****, giraffe
**** that accelerates, secretary bird ****, turtle
**** suspension invites, remora **** slightly in

advanc...Read more of this...
by Ammons, A R
...smooth lea-field of my brow.

You sang on steaming dunghills
A song of cowards' brood,
You perfumed my clothes with weasel itch,
You fed me on swinish food

You flung a ditch on my vision
Of beauty, love and truth.
O stony grey soil of Monaghan
You burgled my bank of youth!

Lost the long hours of pleasure
All the women that love young men.
O can I still stroke the monster's back
Or write with unpoisoned pen.

His name in these lonely verses
Or mention the dar...Read more of this...
by Kavanagh, Patrick
Wild. I hold the red rag to a bull.
Mad. I spread the feathers of a gull.

I screw a tight snarl to a weasel.
Fierce. I stitch the flippers on a seal.
Splayed. I pierce the heartbeat of a quail.

I like her to be naked and to kneel.
Tame. My motionless, my living doll.
Mute. And afterwards I like her not to tell....Read more of this...
by Duffy, Carol Ann child,
He sped to spread the rumor wild:
'Sure as my name is Jabez Dawes
There isn't any Santa Claus!'
Slunk like a weasel of a marten
Through nursery and kindergarten,
Whispering low to every tot,
'There isn't any, no there's not!'

The children wept all Christmas eve
And Jabez chortled up his sleeve.
No infant dared hang up his stocking
For fear of Jabez' ribald mocking.

He sprawled on his untidy bed,
Fresh malice dancing in his head,
When presently with scal...Read more of this...
by Nash, Ogden
Instead of persons; not to hate life; and massed power
After the lone hawk's dead.


That light blood-loving weasel, a tongue of yellow
Fire licking the sides of the gray stones,
Has a more passionate and more pure heart
In the snake-slender flanks than man can imagine;
But he is betrayed by his own courage,
The man who kills him is like a cloud hiding a star.

Then praise the jewel-eyed hawk and the tall blue heron;
The black cormorants that fatten their sea-r...Read more of this...
by Jeffers, Robinson
...was fallen in the snare,
He must endure (as other folk) his care.
Fair was this younge wife, and therewithal
As any weasel her body gent* and small. *slim, neat
A seint* she weared, barred all of silk, *girdle
A barm-cloth* eke as white as morning milk *apron
Upon her lendes*, full of many a gore**. *loins **plait
White was her smock*, and broider'd all before, *robe or gown
And eke behind, on her collar about
Of coal-black silk, within and eke without.
The...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
That axelike edge unturnable, our Head, 
The Princess.' 'Well then, Psyche, take my life, 
And nail me like a weasel on a grange 
For warning: bury me beside the gate, 
And cut this epitaph above my bones; 
~Here lies a brother by a sister slain, 
All for the common good of womankind.~' 
'Let me die too,' said Cyril, 'having seen 
And heard the Lady Psyche.' 
I struck in: 
'Albeit so masked, Madam, I love the truth; 
Receive it; and in me behold the Prince 
...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Weasel poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things