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Tore Quotations

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Quote Left The mystic prophets of the absolute cannot save us. Sustained by our history and traditions, we must save ourselves, at whatever risk of heresy or blasphemy. We can find solace in the memorable representation of the human struggle against the absolute in the finest scene in the greatest of American novels. I refer of course to the scene when Huckleberry Finn decides that the '' plain hand of Providence '' requires him to tell Miss Watson where her runaway slave Jim is to be found. Huck writes his letter of betrayal to Miss Watson and feels '' all washed clean of sin for the first time I had ever felt so in my life, and I knowed I could pray now. '' He sits there for a while thinking '' how good it was all this happened so, and how near I come to being lost and going to hell .'' Then Huck begins to think about Jim and the rush of the great river and the talking and the singing and the laughing and friendship. '' Then I happened to look around and see that paper. . . . I took it up, and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: 'All right, then, I'll go to hell' - and tore it up .'' Quote Right
Quote Left Ace The town will never be the same. After the Tangiers, the big corporations took it all over. Today it looks like Disneyland. And while the kids play cardboard pirates, Mommy and Daddy drop the house payments and Junior's college money on the poker slots. In the old days, dealers knew your name, what you drank, what you played. Today, it's like checkin' into an airport. And if you order room service, you're lucky if you get it by Thursday. Today, it's all gone. You get a whale show up with four million in a suitcase, and some twenty-five-year-old hotel school kid is gonna want his Social Security Number. After the Teamsters got knocked out of the box, the corporations tore down practically every one of the old casinos. And where did the money come from to rebuild the pyramids Junk bonds. But in the end, I wound up right back where I started. I could still pick winners, and I could still make money for all kinds of people back home. And why mess up a good thing Quote Right
Quote Left Hey old man, you up there tonight? I think its time we had a little talk. You know, I've done some bad things in my life, tore up parking meters, killed people in the war and all, but you got to admit you aint dealt me no cards in a long time. You know old man, I started out pretty hard and fast, but it's beginning to get to me. Quote Right
Quote Left Kissing is a habit, fucking is a game, boys get all the pleasure, girls get all the pain. When he says he loves you, and you believe its true, but when you stomach starts to swell, he says the hell with you!! 16 minutes of pleasure, 9 months of pain, 3 days in a hospital, a baby with no name. The baby is a bastard, the mother is a whore it never would have happened, if the rubber hadn't tore. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a gamble Kissing is a game Guys do the fucking Girls get the blame 1 night of pleasure 9 months of pain 1 day in the hospital The baby needs a name Daddy is a bastard Mommy is a whore Baby wouldnt be here If the condom hadn't tore Quote Right
Quote Left For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across--which happened to be the Earth -- where due to a terribble miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidently swallowed by a small dog Quote Right
Quote Left I know a guy who had his doctor say, 'Take some weight off, go to a health club.' The man lost 20 pounds in one week! The machine tore his leg off! Quote Right
Quote Left We rode on the winds of the rising storm, We ran to the sounds of the thunder. We danced among the lightning bolts, and tore the world asunder. Quote Right
Quote Left I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for the truth and truth rewarded me. Quote Right
Quote Left I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for the truth; and truth rewarded me. Quote Right
Quote Left Three men competing to be the most vile. The first saw a woman carrying wood atop her head. He beat her. The second tore off her clothes and raped her. The third stood back. When the other two asked what he would do to prove his wickedness, he laughed. That was my mother, he said. Quote Right
Quote Left I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for truth; and truth rewarded me. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Tore

Quote Left You are the book, I read every day. Some times flipping through I read your moves and gestures. Some times rereads allow me to dive and decipher. Not everybody carries the ability to see all the bands emitting out of a prism named body. Not every body carries the capability to read the prints provided by ever chirping senses. May I react or gaze through to store, depends upon my strategic core. Just one thing for you to know, I stack every book in the memory of my library. Quote Right
Quote Left It appears that some have found the key to success, stored and locked away in the frailties of others, only to be stolen by those keyholders all the same. Quote Right
Quote Left No matter how many times you set the world on fire, never forget where you store the matches. Quote Right
Quote Left Money buys happiness; patronizing the right store, is reaching to the poor with a token. Quote Right
Quote Left Like a welcome interlude, silence rescues me from the exhaustion of the constant demands of daily life. As a soothing massage to an aching body, she cradles me in your her and restores my body and soul. Quote Right
Quote Left When you have the Secret Service watching you, you are already under house arrest. Because somebody is always watching somewhere. You really have no real freedom. You cannot even drive yourself to a corner store. Think about that. Hebert Logerie Quote Right
Quote Left If I tore a few pages of my life doesn't mean that book is finished Quote Right
Quote Left A shameless plug: Over 500 "Inspirational Quotes And Thought For The Day" by Joe DiMino can be purchased at: Quote Right
Quote Left Why do some nations conquer space: if they haven't restored peace on our planet? A Czar like Putin will experience the same fate as Hitler until his unsatiable vanity will end upon his death. Quote Right
Quote Left So called sakhi bhai 2 crore zakat dena parchon utility store ka dukan kholna hai. Quote Right
Quote Left Who's willing to forgive grievances and restore the path to peaceful debates? If your vengeance hurls angry words, it's your right to do so and make justice prevail with coherent acts of civility. All civil societies are admired for their restraint from violence. A silent voice is never heard, raise your voice and you'll be heard. Quote Right
Quote Left Um argumento, nunca deve ofender o ouvido, ou ser construído para vencer, sempre deve ser uma fonte de prazer. O prazer do diálogo. Ninguém é vitorioso ou vitoriosa ao ganhar uma discussão, debate ou mesmo superar obstáculos colocados por outras pessoas interlocutores. Aquela pessoa que ganha, perde, pois ainda vai nascer no mundo algo tão assustador quanto uma pessoa que perde uma discussão. Visto de outra forma, se a pessoa que argumenta, se perder, já perdeu de partida. Quote Right
Quote Left Amazon is not the largest store in the world, that one is inside your head Quote Right
Quote Left Camels do not store water in their bloodstream. Their cells are made like this so it's natural for them to store water. Note. We can change our dress, but we can't change our cells. Quote Right
Quote Left Let God backup the files of your life If the world corrupt your goodness, God will restore them. Quote Right
Quote Left "I have mentored eighteen who wanted to be in my profession, and one who simply thought it would be easy." Quote Right
Quote Left What life has in store for you, may be out of stock for me. Quote Right
Quote Left Pense: mesmo que nem eu, nem outra pessoa foi culpada pelo que aconteceu. Entretanto a dificuldade de aceitar continua sendo dolorosamente dolorosa. Sempre foi e vai ser um conjunto de fatores: tempo ruim e dificuldades gerais. Resumindo eu e outras pessoas nos encontramos sempre no lugar certo na hora errada, o lugar errado no momento certo, sempre apenas nos faltamos, sempre a poucos passos de descobrir tudo. Da mesma forma acontece com a vida pessoal e os relacionamentos comerciais, penso. Quote Right
Quote Left Inspire sim e sempre descreva o Triunfo e o Desastre Principalmente Trate esses dois impostores de igual modo. Quote Right
Quote Left I live for today because I don't know what is instored for me tomorrow,living to see my children blossom into adults makes life worth living, I enjoy every second of every minute of every hour knowing there might not be a tomorow.I'm not gonna lie n say there's no aches,pains,fights and arguments along this journey but that's all challenges we faced with. Quote Right
Quote Left Time is precious so if it's not used properly for positive construction then with in its future flow negative feedback's stored surely. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things